Asian and American

Asian and American
Japanese Stella near Jefferson and FDR Memorials

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Tuesday October 22

Good gracious, time moves so fast.  One day you're young, happy, carefree, just chasing some happiness and then, bam, 10,20,30,40 years fly bye bye.  

The time has come.  I have "retire" from the daily grind.  Not much saved, thought I had it all planned but it's ok.  God enough money to live on, eat, and still have a bit left over.  

So much to learn still.  Lessons given and not learned, over and over.  Too many people passing through my life and just moving on.  
Too many loves, heartaches, let downs, disappointments, deceptions, depression, drifting, delusions.  
Now, the realization that time is definitely finite and limited.  The awful awareness that my hour glass has just a bit more left.  
Loss of health, wealth, and all that was once treasured and valued - things, people, memories.  

Live well while you are young.  Live each day to the max.  Enjoy your loves and your achievements.  Exult in your small victories.  No matter what your dreams, work for them and get them.  One day you won't have the energy, time, or resources to go after them.

Yeah, life is different journey for each of us.  We look for the commonalities, the key check points and milestones.  The plot is pretty much the same, it's the action and drama that is different for each of us.  

Enjoy your journey!

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Good morning my friends,
It's been awhile since my last post.  
So much life and so many events... they sure keep you busy.

Question:  Will racism ever die or are we stuck with it until all humans become "homogenized"?  The physical differences are very real and our visual dominance in our lifestyles is undeniable.  We operate so much on what we see - recent events around the world show us that we will still depend on what we see as our primary means of evaluating someone else.  
Asians have the eyes and darker skin, African (and African Americans) have their dark skin and features, Caucasians have their variety, and there are many, many more variations in our species.  Survival and bonding are primary motivators for identifying friends from foes.  Certainly it was valid for many millenia.  But, do we still have to use Race as the source for personal judgements and hate, fear and apprehension?  
Someday perhaps we can get past all this, but I think it will be many years from now.