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Sunday, May 15, 2011

Sunday May 15

Oh my, dear friend, May is half done and where are we?  The weeks roll past faster than a speeding bullet.  A bitter winter, then the rousing arrival of spring.  Now the transition to warmer days but with so much weather problems.  Tornadoes, flooding, severe weather... and we abide, we continue.  The world is changing too.  But the most important change has to be inside of you.  
Consider today's meditation by James Ryle...

May 15

The Pilgrim's Prayer of Progress
"But we all, with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord." (2 Corinthians 3:18)
God is doing a work in each of our lives, slowly and deliberately transforming us from being self-centered and self-serving, to becoming more and more like Jesus. It happens as we come out from our places of hiding and lift our faces to the Lord. His favor and power change us from glory to glory. It is a lifelong process that will carry us onward into eternity.
Years ago I came upon this remarkable poem, untitled and unattributed to any author, it stands alone upon a high summit of inspirational prayer. It is the heart cry and testimony of every pilgrim. Read it for yourself and see if its words find a place of deep resonance in your own heart.

O the shame and bitter sorrow that a time could
ever be when I let my Savior's mercy 
plead in vain, and proudly answered, 
"All of self and none of Thee.”
Yet He found me. I beheld Him dying on the
cursed tree. I heard Him pray, Forgive him Father. 
And my wistful heart said faintly,
"Some of self and some of Thee.”
Day by day His tender mercy, healing,
helping, guiding me; sweet and strong, and O so patient,
brought me lower till I whispered,
"Less of self and more of Thee.”
Now, higher than the highest heavens, deeper
than the deepest sea. Lord, at last Thy love has conquered. 
Grant me now my soul's desire:
"None of self and all of Thee!"

I hope and pray that whoever reads this, you, will be blessed and filled by the Holy Spirit, that you accept the free gift of Salvation through the blood of our Lord Jesus, and that you will reach "none of self, and all of Thee".    

Me?  I am work in progress... pray for me so I too can get to the point of "all of Thee."  

God bless you.

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