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Asian and American
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Saturday, August 20, 2011

Saturday August 20

Wow, summer went by so quickly!
August 20 already.  Many students are already back in school, some will start next week, and nearly all will restart their school journeys by September.  
So much to learn, so much information, data, skills, enhancements... but what is it all for anyways? 
Are we here just to consume, defecate, reproduce, and then die?  I believe that life is is much more than that.  
It is begins with HOPE - an expectation of a positive outcome. 
This will eventually lead to BELIEF in something or someone.
Once you have Belief, FAITH comes alive and you now have a PURPOSE.  
Life moves along and you WILL be hurt in so many ways.  When others hurt you, what do you do?  Ultimately FORGIVENESS becomes a reality or at least a possibility.  
Forgiveness is the ultimate LOVE.  
Now we are back at the beginning, for all life is LOVE.

Today's meditation gives you something to think about on these lines:

August 20

"He removed from thence, and digged another well... and he called the name of it Rehoboth; and he said, For now the Lord hath made room for us, and we shall be fruitful in the land." -- Gen_26:22.

ISAAC SEEMS to be rather a disappointing character, and we sometimes wonder that he should be classed with Abraham, the father of all who believe; and Jacob, who prevailed with the Angel and became a Prince! He was passive, quiet, given to thoughtful meditation (Gen_24:63). God's purpose includes all sorts and types of men, and Isaac dug wells of which men have drunk for thousands of years.
He was constantly pursued by enmity, jealousy, and strife, as the names of his wells attest. But each time he consistently retired from the conflict, and yielded his well to dig another. Finally, his enemies had to confess that he was mightier than they (Gen_26:16). Best of all, God appeared to him "the same night," and promised that He would be with Him and bless him.
Let us learn to sublimate our resistance to evil, and lift it from the physical to the moral and spiritual level. "He that is slow to anger is better than the mighty" (Pro_16:32). 
Go on digging wells--the wells of Family Prayer, of love for the Bible, of holy exercises and habits! You will find spring water (Gen_26:19). That is God's side of your life. You are called to dig wells, but God's Holy Spirit will rise up in your soul, and in the souls of others, like the geyser-springs in Arctic regions (Joh_4:14). Let us present to Him ourselves---our souls and bodies, to be the wells and channels, along and through which His eternal God-Head and Power, arising from the fathomless depths of His own nature, may reach this thirsty and parched world!
God is Love: Love is Self-Giving: but God depends on the        co-operation of us, the well-diggers, to make outlets for the outflow of His Love and Goodness.

Most Merciful Father, give us grace that we may never be drawn to do anything that may dishonour Thy Name; but may persevere in all good purposes, and in Thy holy service, unto our lives' end. AMEN.

May you have all the "water" you need in your life.  

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