Asian and American

Asian and American
Japanese Stella near Jefferson and FDR Memorials

Monday, April 30, 2012

Monday April 30, 2012

Good morning friends, 
Here we are at the end of April.  For most of us in the northern hemisphere the transition to Spring is completed, May arrives with flowers and growth and Summer is waiting for us!  
Just a month or more of school and life continues its cycles and rhythms.  
How are you?  Thanks for checking in on me.  Let me know how I can check in on you!  I most likely don't know you but I do feel and believe that we are all God's children and thus we are connected in the extended "Family of God".  

The hardest things in life happen when things go wrong and don't happen the way we want or anticipate.  Pains, losses, set backs, and disappointments!  Wow, we all have those.  But, it's all part of this grand journey of life.  It' s nothing new and it won't be the last.  We are certainly not the begging nor the end of this life spectrum.  So how do we handle the pains and frustrations of life?
Consider this from Charles Spurgeon:

April 30

“And all the children of Israel murmured.”  
Numbers 14:2
There are murmurers amongst Christians now, as there were in the camp of Israel of old. There are those who, when the rod falls, cry out against the afflictive dispensation. They ask, “Why am I thus afflicted? What have I done to be chastened in this manner?” 
A word with thee, O murmurer! Why shouldst thou murmur against the dispensations of thy heavenly Father? Can he treat thee more hardly than thou deservest? Consider what a rebel thou wast once, but he has pardoned thee! 
Surely, if he in his wisdom sees fit now to chasten thee, thou shouldst not complain. After all, art thou smitten as hardly as thy sins deserve? Consider the corruption which is in thy breast, and then wilt thou wonder that there needs so much of the rod to fetch it out? Weigh thyself, and discern how much dross is mingled with thy gold; and dost thou think the fire too hot to purge away so much dross as thou hast? Does not that proud rebellious spirit of thine prove that thy heart is not thoroughly sanctified? Are not those murmuring words contrary to the holy submissive nature of God’s children? Is not the correction needed? 
But if thou wilt murmur against the chastening, take heed, for it will go hard with murmurers. God always chastises his children twice, if they do not bear the first stroke patiently. But know one thing-”He doth not afflict willingly, nor grieve the children of men.” 
All his corrections are sent in love, to purify thee, and to draw thee nearer to himself. 
Surely it must help thee to bear the chastening with resignation if thou art able to recognize thy Father’s hand. For “whom the Lord loveth he chasteneth, and scourgeth every son whom he receiveth. If ye endure chastening, God dealeth with you as with sons.” “Murmur not as some of them also murmured and were destroyed of the destroyer.”

“How precious also are thy thoughts unto me, O God.”   Psalm 139:17

Divine omniscience affords no comfort to the ungodly mind, but to the child of God it overflows with consolation. God is always thinking upon us, never turns aside his mind from us, has us always before his eyes; and this is precisely as we would have it, for it would be dreadful to exist for a moment beyond the observation of our heavenly Father. 
His thoughts are always tender, loving, wise, prudent, far-reaching, and they bring to us countless benefits: hence it is a choice delight to remember them. The Lord always did think upon his people: hence their election and the covenant of grace by which their salvation is secured; he always will think upon them: hence their final perseverance by which they shall be brought safely to their final rest. 
In all our wanderings the watchful glance of the Eternal Watcher is evermore fixed upon us-we never roam beyond the Shepherd’s eye. In our sorrows he observes us incessantly, and not a pang escapes him; in our toils he marks all our weariness, and writes in his book all the struggles of his faithful ones. 
These thoughts of the Lord encompass us in all our paths, and penetrate the innermost region of our being. Not a nerve or tissue, valve or vessel, of our bodily organization is uncared for; all the littles of our little world are thought upon by the great God.

Dear reader, is this precious to you? 
Then hold to it. Never be led astray by those philosophic fools who preach up an impersonal God, and talk of self-existent, self-governing matter. The Lord liveth and thinketh upon us, this is a truth far too precious for us to be lightly robbed of it. The notice of a nobleman is valued so highly that he who has it counts his fortune made; but what is it to be thought of by the King of kings! If the Lord thinketh upon us, all is well, and we may rejoice evermore.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Wednesday April 25

Wow, life can be so complicated and perplexing.  The more you want something, the less you get it, so it seems.  Life is the full spectrum of good and evil.  So, how do we get through this challenge?
Well, we can't do it very well by ourselves.  God is the answer and Jesus is the way, the truth and the life.  Do you have your path?  If it's not clear to you, then you need to turn to Jesus, accept Him as your Savior and then trust in Him to lead you back to God.  
Consider today's thoughts from James Ryle:

April 25

When the Lights Go Out
"The people who walk in darkness will see a great light" (Isaiah 9:2)
There are times in our travels of faith when the lights go out. Despite the unfailing glow of God's word in our hearts, all about us is nevertheless covered with a thick darkness that hides even His presence from our perceptions. He promised never to leave us, but what are we to do in such seasons of silence and apparent absence?
Isaiah asked, "Who among you fears the LORD and obeys His servant? If you are walking in darkness, without a ray of light, trust in the LORD and rely on your God." That's the answer — we are to continue trusting, for He is faithful and will never fail us. Even though He may seem distant and detached, He is all the more nearer in those trying moments.
After encouraging us to stay the course, the prophet Isaiah then adds this sobering warning, "But watch out, you who live in your own light and warm yourselves by your own fires. This is the reward you will receive from Me: You will soon fall down in great torment." (Isaiah 50:10-11).
The temptation to light things up on our own is never greater than in those times when the Lord seems far away. It is then that we are most susceptible to try and make something happen on our own. This is what gives rise to much of the hype and hullabaloo that passes itself off as anointing and power in many religious circles today. But the end of that path is trouble in every way.
You may be in one of those dark seasons right now — so take heart. The Lord is closer than you realize. Keep walking by faith and in due time you will again see a great light. And in that light you will discover the many treasures the Lord has brought forth for you while you were passing through the muttering tunnel.
Remember David's words? 
"Yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil. For You are with me; Your rod and Your staff comfort me."
Be comforted, my dear friend; there is light aplenty just up ahead!

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Tuesday April 24 2012

How wonderful life can be or how terribly trying and awful it can turn.  We are assailed between these two poles and we live our lives in a flux.  If we are lucky and blessed to be chosen of God, then these variations don't matter.  We have the constant and unending love of God.  We are blessed to have the steady rudder and keel of God's love to guide and protect us.  
Consider today's meditation from Bob Hoekstra:

April 24

More Than Conquerors Even in Impossibilities
Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword? As it is written: "For Your sake we are killed all day long; we are accounted as sheep for the slaughter." Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us.  (Rom_8:35-37)
When considering the triumphant Christian life, we may wrongly think that victory depends upon getting out of impossible situations. Actually, we are already "more than conquerors" even while we are in the midst of the impossibilities. 
For us to be ultimately defeated, we would have to be separated from Christ's love for us. We would have to be cut off from the loving care of our victorious Lord. Can any foe or any situation accomplish that? "Who shall separate us from the love of Christ?  " This question is answered in Rom_8:38-39. "For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come, nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord." 
No spiritual foe can enforce such a separation. Neither can any circumstance of impossibility separate us from our loving God. Rom_8:35-36 list some of the impossibilities that make us feel as though we are being defeated. "Shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword? As it is written: 'For Your sake we are killed all day long; we are accounted as sheep for the slaughter' ." When troubles and pressures arise, when we are attacked or are lacking resources, we may be tempted to think that victory is no longer available. When our experience is like a lamb being led to the slaughter, we may think that victory could never be ours. Nevertheless, the truth is that "in all these things we are more than conquerors." 
Yes, right in the middle of the impossibilities of life, we are already more than a spiritual victor. Actually, we have already been made participants in a mighty, eternal, abundant victory, the victory that Christ accomplished on the cross and in the resurrection. "We are more than conquerors through Him who loved us." Our victorious position in any situation is not circumstantial. It is relational. We are united by faith to the victorious one, the Lord Jesus Christ! "But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ" (1Co_15:57).
Dear Father, I praise You for the constant provision of victory through Your triumphant Son. Lord, help me to view spiritual victory as a relational matter and not a circumstantial one. I thank You that through Christ I am already more than a conqueror right in the midst of my present impossibilities, Amen.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Friday April 20 2012

My oh my what a wonderful day!
April is a turning month for many--- turning from winter to spring and so many other changes that come with the change in seasons.  
How about you?  How's your life right now?  Troubles, debts, challenges of all kinds?  Yes, don't we all.  
We try to do things on our own and we struggle, get stressed and sometimes freak out.  That's human.  
How about giving it all to God and then letting God fill you with whatever you need for this life?  Yeah, that's FAITH!
Then God will give you all you need and fill your heart and soul with the true and good things of life.

Listen to James Ryle's thoughts:

April 20

One Way Jesus on a Two Way Street
"Give, and it shall be given to you" (Luke 6:38).
It is one of the many remarkable features of following Jesus, that you cannot give without receiving back even more than you gave. The other side is also true — you cannot receive without giving. It's a two-way street that we walk with the One Way Jesus.
Jesus is only going one way — but it is in every direction. He is building a kingdom, and has invited each of us to become a part of what He is doing. We become a part by giving whatever He has entrusted to us.
You cannot teach without being taught, and you cannot be taught without teaching others. You cannot lead without being a follower; and you cannot follow without being led. If you will look for opportunities to bless someone else, you yourself will be blessed. Love, and you will be loved. Serve, and you will be served. Smile, and the world will smile with you. Sing, and folks will.....OK, they will probably ask you to keep that to yourself! At least for most of us, anyway.
So, instead of going through life as a taker, grabbing desperately at everything you can get your hands on, and then storing it up in secured bins of plenty — open the flood gates of generosity and start being a giver. The truth be told, you cannot live until you give.
Give your heart to Christ and He will fill it with love. Give your mind to Christ, and He will fill it with truth. Give your dreams to Christ, and He will fill them with heavenly vision and power. Give your hands to Christ, and He will fill them with service; labor that is filled with laughter and significance. Give your time to Christ, and will be redeem it; making you timely in every word and deed.
If you will walk with One Way Jesus on this Two Way Street, everything in and about your life will abound with multiplied blessing. Solomon said, "A generous man will prosper; he who refreshes others will himself be refreshed" (Proverbs 11:25).
Take the Lord at His word and you will see that He is true — "Give, and it shall be given unto you."

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Thursday April 19 2012

So here we are.  With questions no one can answer, with doubts because of what we see and experience, with hopes because we have dreams and wishes.  
Then, what is this all about, this journey of life?  
Consider this passage from James Ryle:

April 19

The Outer-Edge-Of-Things
"Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him" (1John 2:15).
A few years ago I came across a delightful little book called The Uncrowned King, written in 1910 by American author Harold Bell Wright. It's a story about a young man named Hadji, who travels across the Desert of Facts to the Temple of Truth, located on the Outer-Edge-Of-Things; where an angelic Guardian named Thyself tells him a remarkable story about the Uncrowned King. If you can find a copy, it is well worth snagging.
Upon Hadji's arrival at the Temple, the Guardian gently inquires, "Is there anything you would ask Thyself?"
"Yes," Hadji answers, "Tell me why the journey is so long, and the Temple of Truth is here on the Outer-Edge-Of-Things."
And Thyself answered clearly, "He who lives always within Things can never worship in Truth. Eyes blinded by the fog of Things cannot see Truth. Ears deafened by the din of Things cannot hear Truth. Brains bewildered by the whirl of Things cannot think Truth. Hearts deadened by the weight of Things cannot feel Truth. Throats choked by the dust of Things cannot speak Truth. Therefore, O Hadji, is the Temple of Truth here on the Outer-Edge-Of-Things."
After a brief pause, Thyself then asked, "Found you no bones in the desert?"
Hadji replied, "I saw the desert white with bones."
"And the hands of the dead?" asked Thyself.
"The hands of the dead held fast to their treasures," Hadji replied, "held fast to their Wealth of Traditions, to their Holy Prejudices, to the Sacred Opinions, Customs, Favors and Honors of Men."
Then the Guardian stepped aside and Hadji, with head bowed in reverence, crossed the threshold and passed through the high arched doorway into the sacred corridors of the Temple of Truth.
Interesting, don't you think, that the question God asked Moses in the desert at the Burning Bush was, "What's that in your hand?" (Exodus 4:2). Are you holding on to any Thing that would keep you from worshipping in the Temple of Truth? 
What is the Truth?
Here it is, from Bob Hoekstra:

April 19

Experiencing the Lord's Goodness
Oh, taste and see that the LORD is good; Blessed is the man who trusts in Him!  (Psa_34:8)
The scriptures clearly declare that the knowledge of the Lord is for developing a relationship, not merely cataloging correct information about Him. Grace and peace are to be "multiplied to" us (2Pe_1:2), not just memorized by us. "All things that pertain to life and godliness" (2Pe_1:3) are to be drawn upon for godly living, not merely listed to validate our orthodoxy. As we get to know the Lord, His goodness is to be experienced in our lives. 
Our present verse is quite forthright concerning this point. "Oh, taste and see that the LORD is good." The Lord is good. He is merciful, kind, gracious, and patient. The scriptures abound with declarations of God's goodness. "Oh, give thanks to the LORD, for He is good! For His mercy endures forever" (Psa_107:1). This goodness of God is to be experienced by God's people. "My people shall be satisfied with My goodness" (Jer_31:14). We are to "taste and see" God's goodness, not only to hear of it and talk about it. 
How does a person experience the goodness of the Lord? "Blessed is the man who trusts in Him!" God's goodness is available for our personal experience whenever we trust in Him. "Oh, how great is Your goodness, which You have laid up for those who fear You, which You have prepared for those who trust in You In the presence of the sons of men! " (Psa_31:19). When we rely upon the Lord, His goodness brings forth peace in our lives. "You will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on You, because he trusts in You" (Isaiah 26:3). When we depend upon the Lord, His goodness brings forth rejoicing in our lives. "Our soul waits for the LORD; He is our help and our shield. For our heart shall rejoice in Him, Because we have trusted in His holy name" (Psa_33:20-21). 
It should not be surprising to us that faith in the Lord is the pathway to experiencing His goodness. We have noted in a number of these meditations that faith is one of the relational realities that allow a child of God to live by His grace. Faith accesses grace (Rom_5:2). "The LORD is good to those who wait for Him, to the soul who seeks Him" (Lam_3:25). 
We trust in the Lord the more we get acquainted with Him. We trust in the Lord the more we allow Him to demonstrate His faithfulness. 
"And those who know Your name will put their trust in You; For You, LORD, have not forsaken those who seek You" (Psa_9:10).

Lord, You are so good! Too often I fail to experience Your goodness, because I do not trust in You. forgive me, Lord. I long to taste of Your goodness. Teach me to live in dependence upon You, in Jesus name, Amen.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Wednesday April 18

We are given so much in life... and then we are given the power to choose.  Free Will is indeed the greatest gift and the heaviest burden. 
Do you believe in God?  You choose.
Who is God? You choose.
How do I relate to my God?  You choose.
From these decisions come all the rest of your life!  
As the knight tells Indiana Jones "Choose Wisely!"

Here's a a thought on this choice from Bob Hoekstra:

April 18

Fully Supplied through Knowing God
Grace and peace be multiplied to you in the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord, as His divine power has given to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of Him who called us by glory and virtue.  (2Pe_1:2-3)
Our lives are blessed whenever the Lord adds any of His blessings to our experience. Yet, there are times when we sense a need for God's blessings to be multiplied to us. Well, God desires to intensify His working toward us. "Grace and peace be multiplied to you." Drop after drop of refreshing water may encourage the thirsty soul. However, our hearts' true need may be for fountains of living water. God loves to pour forth in abundance. "I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly" (John 10:10). God's grace (His undeserved resource for living) is available in multiplied measures. God's peace (His heaven-sent spiritual tranquility) can be partaken of in magnified portions. 
The process for partaking of these multiplied provisions simply involves growing in knowing our Lord. "Grace and peace be multiplied to you in the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord." 
Another astounding truth about believers in Jesus Christ is that we have already been given everything needed for abundant Christian living: "His divine power has given to us all things that pertain to life and godliness." This is not to say that we are aware of what is ours, or that we are experiencing all that is ours. Nonetheless, God has already given us every spiritual provision needed to live as He desires ("all things that pertain to life") and to grow in Christlikeness as He wills ("all things that pertain to . . . godliness"). 
The process for accessing these comprehensive resources also involves getting to know the Lord better: "His divine power has given to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of Him," 
It is by grace that we initially come to know the Lord. As we get to know Him better, grace is then multiplied into our lives. When we first met the Lord, He gave us everything that we needed to live as He intended. As we grow in knowing Him, we access for living all that He has already given to us in Christ.
Dear Lord of abundant blessings, I praise You for Your bountiful grace. So frequently I underestimate Your goodness to me. What a staggering thought that You have already given me in Christ all that I need for a godly life. O Lord, I long to grow in knowing You, that all of these heavenly realities might be manifested in my life, for Your glory and honor, Amen.

May God bless you with His Grace to see and choose God's love for your life!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Tuesday April 17

So, did you pay your taxes?  Yeah, it's hard to realize that you work and work and then you have so little so show for it seems.  That is IF you have a job.  So many these days don't even have a job!  
We are thankful, sometimes at Thanksgiving, but not often enough.  We are blessed and we are given so much.  We do need to Thank God for all of His blessings!
Consider today's meditation by F.B. Meyer:

April 17

"Be content with such things as ye have; for He hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee."-- Heb_13:5.

SUCH THINGS as ye have, plus! The Greek literally means that there is within us an undeveloped power only awaiting the call, and there will be enough. I may be speaking to people who wish that they had more money, or more brains, or more influence. They dream of the lives they would live, of the deeds they would do, if only they were better circumstanced. But God says No! You have present within the narrow confines of your own reach the qualities that the world is wanting. Use them, and be content with the things that you have. You have never explored the resources of your own soul.
"Such things as ye have"--Moses had only a rod, but a rod with God can open the Red Sea. David had only five pebbles, but these with God brought down Goliath. The woman had only a little pot of oil, but that pot of oil with God paid all her debts. The poor widow was scraping the bottom of the barrel, but with God the handful of meal kept her child, herself, and the prophet until the rain came. The boy had only five tiny loaves and two small fish, but with Jesus they were enough for five thousand men, beside women and children. Estimate what you have got, and then count God into the bargain! He never lets go your hand. He will never leave nor forsake those that trust in Him!
Therefore be content! The most glorious deeds that have blessed and enriched the world have not been done by wealthy men. Our Lord had none of this world's goods; the apostles had neither silver nor gold; Carey was only a poor cobbler; Bunyan a travelling tinker; Wesley left two silver spoons. It is not money, but human love and God that is needed. Therefore do not be covetous; do not hoard, but give! Be strong and content. With good courage say: "The Lord is my Helper; I will not fear"--for life or death, for sorrow or joy!

The soul that to Jesus has fled for repose,
He cannot, He will not, desert to its foes.
That soul, though all hell should endeavour to take,
He'll never, no never, no never forsake!

Friday, April 13, 2012

Friday April 13 2012

Good morning to you,
God is truly beyond comprehension.  It starts with the basic question: is there a God?  
There is a life with God and a life without God.  Your choice.  
If you choose to accept and believe that God IS, then there comes a  whole litany of questions that has to be answered.  Life without God is much simpler for sure!
But, then, life without God, in my humble opinion, is empty and without purpose and meaning.  We are no more than the lower animals - we are born, we live, we die!
So, what is life with God?
Consider this from Bob Hoekstra:

April 13

Eternal Life and Knowing God
And this is eternal life, that they may know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom You have sent.  (Joh_17:3)
This statement by the Lord Jesus begins in a very profound manner: "And this is eternal life." To complete such a statement requires comprehensive truth. If the statement had started with "this is included in eternal life," many non-comprehensive matters could be used to finish the statement. One could rightly state that forgiveness of sins is included in eternal life. One could properly say that escaping hell and securing heaven are included in eternal life. Likewise, one could say that meaning and purpose for living are included in eternal life. Additionally, one could state that spiritual gifts and spiritual fruit are also included. 
Furthermore, one could say that fellowship in the body of Christ and new understanding of the scriptures are included. Nevertheless, none of these individually, nor all of these collectively, are sufficient to complete the statement: "And this is eternal life." 
To finish that profound beginning, one must add an all-encompassing truth. One must speak of the full dimensions of eternal life. What is large enough to complete that majestic opening? Only the one reality of knowing God would be adequate: "that they may know You." 
Yes, knowing God is what eternal life is all about. It is only through meeting the Lord that forgiveness is found. It is only by being in Christ that we escape hell and secure heaven. Then, it is only through getting acquainted with the Lord that meaning and purpose for our lives are made real to us. Also, it is only through a growing intimacy of trust in Christ that spiritual gifts and spiritual fruit can properly mature. Furthermore, it is only through an increasing acquaintanceship with the Lord that Christian fellowship and biblical insight are appropriately developed. 
These truths certainly concur with those prophetic words of old that promised a new covenant of grace to replace the old covenant of law. "I will make a new covenant... not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers... But this is the covenant that I will make... I will put My law in their minds, and write it on their hearts; and I will be their God, and they shall be My people... they all shall know Me, from the least of them to the greatest of them" (Jer_31:31-34). Heb_8:11 makes it clear that these words are for us today. "All shall know Me, from the least of them to the greatest of them." The new covenant provides a growing, intimate acquaintanceship for all who will walk in its terms of grace.
Dear Father, I confess that I often think and behave as though eternal life is less than knowing You. Help me to understand and to live the very essence of Your new covenant  of grace — Your provisions for allowing me to grow in knowing You, through Christ Jesus, my Lord, Amen.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Thursday April 12 2012

We often live by the thoughts and opinions of our fellow men and women, especially at work and at play.  We value their opinion because they influence our lives.  
So, how would the great apostles of Jesus been viewed by a modern consulting company?  
Let's take a look at a hypothetical case (from James Ryle's meditations):

April 12

A Business Letter To Jesus Christ
"For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the LORD." ((Isaiah 55:8).

TO: Jesus Christ, Son of Joseph
Woodcrafters Carpenter Shop
Nazareth, Israel 35922
FROM: Jordon Management Consultants
Jerusalem, Israel 00666

RE: Staff Team Evaluation

Dear Mr. Christ,
Thanks for using our service; as you know, we bring a rich tradition of proven excellence in matters pertaining to the things of men. We have carefully studied the resumes of the twelve men you have picked for management positions in your new organization. All of them have now taken our battery of tests; and we have not only run the results through our computer, but also arranged personal interviews for each of them with our psychologist and vocational aptitude consultant.
It is the staff's opinion that most of your nominees are lacking in background, education, and vocational aptitude for the type of enterprise you are undertaking. The majority of your staff's profiles were rather bland, and self explanatory – so we need not go over them with you – but only wonder why you would be interested in those who are so unimpressive. We feel it our duty to alert you to a few serious problem cases —
• James, the son of Alphaeus, and Thaddeus definitely have radical leanings, and they both registered a high score on the manic-depressive scale. 
• Andrew has no qualities of leadership, and his homey habit of brown-bagging his lunch could be a turn-off to potential clients. 
• We feel it our duty to tell you that Matthew has been denounced by the Greater Jerusalem Better Business Bureau. Continued association with him could seriously jeopardize your own reputation.
• Thomas demonstrates a questioning attitude that would tend to undermine morale. We actually had four people leave our firm after meeting with him.
• Simon Peter is emotionally unstable, highly opinionated, and given to fits of temper. In fact, during the interview he punched out three of our consultants.
• The two brothers, James and John, place personal interests above company loyalty, and show an inordinate dependence upon their mother. They also seem unusually fascinated with fire.
• One of the candidates, however, shows great potential. He is a man of ability and resourcefulness, meets people well, has a keen business mind and has contacts in high places. He is highly motivated, ambitious and responsible. It is our recommendation that you keep as your controller and right-hand man Judas Iscariot.
We wish you every success in your new venture.
Lucy Furr

Well, we can be sure that our Lord didn't trust their evaluation and we can be sure that Lucy Furr got it all wrong!  
Praise God!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Wednesday April 11 2012

Good morning friends,
Life is such a wonderful mish mash of feelings and experiences.  In the end, what is it all for, this grand struggle, this trying journey?
I really don't know.  My thoughts go from nothingness to becoming god like.

But, there is one path that is open to all.  To reconnect to God under His terms... through Jesus Christ His Son.

Consider these thoughts from Charles Spurgeon:

April 11

“I am poured out like water, and all my bones are out of joint.”
- Psa_22:14
Did earth or heaven ever behold a sadder spectacle of woe! In soul and body, our Lord felt himself to be weak as water poured upon the ground. The placing of the cross in its socket had shaken him with great violence, had strained all the ligaments, pained every nerve, and more or less dislocated all his bones. Burdened with his own weight, the august sufferer felt the strain increasing every moment of those six long hours. His sense of faintness and general weakness were overpowering; while to his own consciousness he became nothing but a mass of misery and swooning sickness. When Daniel saw the great vision, he thus describes his sensations, “There remained no strength in me, for my vigour was turned into corruption, and I retained no strength:” how much more faint must have been our greater Prophet when he saw the dread vision of the wrath of God, and felt it in his own soul! To us, sensations such as our Lord endured would have been insupportable, and kind unconsciousness would have come to our rescue; but in his case, he was wounded, and felt the sword; he drained the cup and tasted every drop.
“O King of Grief! (a title strange, yet true
To thee of all kings only due)
O King of Wounds! how shall I grieve for thee,
Who in all grief preventest me!”
As we kneel before our now ascended Saviour’s throne, let us remember well the way by which he prepared it as a throne of grace for us; let us in spirit drink of his cup, that we may be strengthened for our hour of heaviness whenever it may come. In his natural body every member suffered, and so must it be in the spiritual; but as out of all his griefs and woes his body came forth uninjured to glory and power, even so shall his mystical body come through the furnace with not so much as the smell of fire upon it.

“Look upon mine affliction and my pain; and forgive all my sins.”
- Psa_25:18
It is well for us when prayers about our sorrows are linked with pleas concerning our sins-when, being under God’s hand, we are not wholly taken up with our pain, but remember our offences against God. It is well, also, to take both sorrow and sin to the same place. It was to God that David carried his sorrow: it was to God that David confessed his sin. Observe, then, we must take our sorrows to God. Even your little sorrows you may roll upon God, for he counteth the hairs of your head; and your great sorrows you may commit to him, for he holdeth the ocean in the hollow of his hand. Go to him, whatever your present trouble may be, and you shall find him able and willing to relieve you. But we must take our sins to God too. We must carry them to the cross, that the blood may fall upon them, to purge away their guilt, and to destroy their defiling power.
The special lesson of the text is this:-that we are to go to the Lord with sorrows and with sins in the right spirit. Note that all David asks concerning his sorrow is, “Look upon mine affliction and my pain;” but the next petition is vastly more express, definite, decided, plain-”Forgive all my sins.” Many sufferers would have put it, “Remove my affliction and my pain, and look at my sins.” But David does not say so; he cries, “Lord, as for my affliction and my pain, I will not dictate to thy wisdom. Lord, look at them, I will leave them to thee, I should be glad to have my pain removed, but do as thou wilt; but as for my sins, Lord, I know what I want with them; I must have them forgiven; I cannot endure to lie under their curse for a moment.”
A Christian counts sorrow lighter in the scale than sin; he can bear that his troubles should continue, but he cannot support the burden of his transgressions.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Monday April 9 2012

Good morning friends,
Monday after Easter.  For some, a bit of a let down on this wonderful Spring holiday.  For me, a renewed hope and strengthened faith in my Lord and Savior Jesus.
He is risen, Jesus is a LIVE GOD, a living and real God who loves us and cares for us as his own.
Consider today's meditations:
First from F. B. Meyer -

April 9

"There is, therefore, now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus."-- Rom_8:1.

THE CHARACTERISTICS of this glorious standing. It is present: "Now."
If we are in Christ, we need not wait in doubts and fears for the verdict of the great white Throne. Its decisions cannot make our standing more clear, or our acceptance more sure, but we shall learn there the meaning of God's dealings with mankind, and triumph in the successful vindication of His ways. We can never be more free from the condemnation of God's righteous law than we are at this present.
It is certain: "There is no condemnation." You must catch this accent of conviction, and be able to speak with no faltering voice of your assured acceptance with God, if you would enter upon the rich inheritance of this chapter, to which these opening words stand as the door of passage. The shadow of a peradventure cannot live in the light of that certainty of which the Apostle speaks.
It is invariable. There are Some who live on a sliding scale between condemnation and acceptance. If health is buoyant and the heart is full of song, they are sure of their acceptance with God; but if the sun is darkened and the clouds return; when the heart is dull and sad, they imagine that they are under the ban of God's displeasure. They forget that our standing in Christ Jesus is one thing; our appreciation and enjoyment of it quite another. Your own heart may condemn you; memory, the recorder of the soul, may summon from the past evidence against you; the great Accuser of souls may lay against you grievous and well-founded charges; your tides of feeling may ebb far down the beach; your faith may become weak and lose its power and grip; your sense of unworthiness may become increasingly oppressive--none of these things can touch your acceptance with God if you are complying with His one all-inclusive condition--"no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus." This mystic union with the Son of God is only possible to faith working by love (1Jo_3:23-24).

We commit ourselves to Thy care and keeping this day; let Thy grace be mighty in us, and sufficient for us, and let it work in us both to will and to do of Thine own good pleasure, and grant us strength for all the duties of the day. AMEN.

And we are indeed with Jesus - thus these notes from Bob Hoekstra are so powerful:

April 9

Branches in the Vine, the Vine in the Branches
Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in Me. I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing.  (Joh_15:4-5)
Previously, we examined these verses to see how the grace of God produces fruit in those who walk in humility and faith (thereby living by grace). Now, let's revisit these words to consider the intimate relationship they describe. It is a profound biblical picture of us being in Christ and Christ being in us. It is like the relationship between a vine and a branch. Jesus is the vine; we are the branches. "I am the vine, you are the branches." He is the source of the life we need. We are the recipients of the life that He alone can provide.
The Lord Jesus wants us, His branches, to be fruitful. "By this My Father is glorified, that you bear much fruit" (Joh_15:8). Fruit is the result of developing life. Branches do not innately have that life in themselves. "The branch cannot bear fruit of itself." Branches must always find their life in the vine. The vine, Jesus, has life. "I am the way, the truth, and the life" (John 14:6). Our Lord came to share that life with us in abundance. "I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly" (Joh_10:10). His abundant life is what enables us to bear much fruit.
Such life abundant (fruit-developing life) flows out of the intimate relationship available to us in Christ. Think of the "joined relationship" that a vine and a branch have. The branch came forth from the vine, and is ever after connected to the vine. The life of the vine is available to flow in and through the branch. We came forth from Jesus, our vine, as we were born again by His Spirit  through faith in Christ. Now, we are joined to Him forever. "He who is joined to the Lord is one spirit with Him" (1Co_6:17). Day by day, His life is accessible to us.
We access that life by abiding. "Abide in Me, and I in you." We depend on Him to be our source of life. He, then, lives in and through us.
Dear Jesus, my vine, You are my only source of spiritual life. I confess that I often try to produce that life on my own. Also, I often think of You as far away, as I cry out to You in my prayers. Actually, You are as near to me spiritually as a vine is to a branch. Please remind me frequently of Your nearness. Lord, I want to abide in You day by day, Amen.

Be at peace, live in the Lord Jesus today!

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Sunday April 8 2012 EASTER SUNDAY

Hello world, this is the day that our Savior, Redeemer, and Brother-in-Spirit Jesus is Risen from the dead!!! We have a living God, a God who sees you, hears you and touches you in all your ways, all because JESUS IS RISEN!  Come, accept Jesus and let Him give you eternal life!  How?  See F. B. Meyer's meditation:

April 8

"If thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved."-- Rom_10:9.

SALVATION IS a great word. It is conjugated in three tenses:
The Past Tense. We were saved at the moment when we first trusted Christ. This salvation is a distinct and definite matter, which is ours at the moment we exercise simple faith in Jesus. "Being now justified by His blood, we shall be saved from wrath through Him" (Rom_5:9).
The Present Tense. "To us who are being saved, Christ is the power of God," such is the accurate rendering of 1Co_1:18. We are being saved perpetually from the love and power of sin. The disinfectant of Christ's Presence is ever warding off the germs of deadly temptation. The mighty arm of the Divine Keeper is always holding the door against the attempts of the adversary. The water is always flowing over the eye to remove the tiny grit or mote that may alight. "We are being saved by His life" (Rom_5:10).
The Future Tense. We are being kept by the power of God unto a salvation which waits to be revealed in the last time (1 Pet. 1.). Salvation is a great word. It includes the forgiveness that remembers our sin no more; deliverance from the curse and penalty of our evil ways; emancipation from the thrall of evil habit; the growing conformity of the soul to the image of Christ, and the final resurrection of the body in spiritual beauty and energy, to be for ever the companion and vehicle of the redeemed spirit.

Oh blessed Spirit of God, we pray Thee to give us the assurance of being the children of God, the sons and daughters of the Lord God Almighty; and so prepare us for the glory to be revealed to us, and for that great hour when the whole creation, which now groans and travails in pain, shall be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God. AMEN.

Then this assurance from Bob Hoekstra:

April 8

Living in Christ, Christ Living in Us
He who eats My flesh and drinks My blood abides in Me, and I in him... At that day you will know that I am in My Father, and you in Me, and I in you.  (Joh_6:56 and Joh_14:20)
In our verses, we again see the extent of the intimate relationship that the new covenant of grace provides. An astounding intimacy is declared in these words: "abides in Me, and I in him." We have not merely come near to Christ, nor has He simply drawn close to us. Rather, we live in Him, and He lives in us! We live by being in Christ (by being related to Him, by being united with Him, by drawing our spiritual life from Him). Moreover, He lives in us and desires to express His life through us. 
This unique arrangement for spiritual intimacy is experienced by the one "who eats My flesh and drinks My blood." Although the language sounds strange to the natural mind, the picture is common, that of eating and drinking to find life-giving nourishment. The unusual aspect is that the source of the nutrition is a person. Earlier in Jesus' discourse, He had indicated what this process encompassed. "I am the bread of life. He who comes to Me shall never hunger, and he who believes in Me shall never thirst" (Joh_6:35). Eating and drinking of Jesus' flesh and blood involves simply coming to Him in faith. When we come to Jesus, we are counting upon who He was (His person, His flesh, the Son of God becoming a man). When we believe in Jesus, we are also relying upon what He did (His work, His blood poured out for us upon the cross). As we relate to Jesus in this manner, we are finding our spiritual sustenance in Him. Thus, we abide in Him and He in us. 
Of course, the Holy Spirit would participate fully in this process. "At that day you will know that I am in My Father, and you in Me, and I in you."  Jesus was leaving His disciples soon, to return to the Father. So, He comforted them: "I will not leave you orphans; I will come to you. A little while longer and the world will see Me no more, but you will see Me. Because I live, you will live also" (Joh_14:18-19). On the day of Pentecost, the Holy Spirit was poured forth in fullness and power. Now, the Spirit would make the very life of Jesus available to all of His followers. As they trusted in Him, Christ would live in and through their lives.

Dear Lord of life, help me to learn to live this way — me living in You, and You living in me. Help me to see it is as simple as eating and drinking. As I trust food and drink for  my physical life, I want to trust in who You are and what You have done for my spiritual life, Amen.

May you have Love and eternal salvation through our Risen Savior, Jesus!  

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Saturday April 7 2012

This sad Saturday, between Good Friday, the day the Messiah, our Lord Jesus sacrificed Himself for us, and tomorrow, Easter, when Jesus arose in triumph - this sad Saturday is precious.  We accept that Christ became sin for us, that He absorbs all of our sins and shortcomings, our disobedience and our trespasses onto Himself and makes good now our loss.  This day is the day when Jesus suffers truly for us, separated from His Father, God Almighty, until His resurrection tomorrow morning on glorious Easter morning.  
So, my fellow travelers on this earth, take the Lord's hand, let Him pay the price and the bounty for you.  Then let Him live in you, through you, and give you happiness and peace eternal, with life eternal in the presence and love of God.

Today's meditation from Bob Hoekstra:

April 7

"Thy Word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against Thee."-- Psa_119:11.

THE PRAYER: "Teach me Thy statutes" occurs eight times in this wonderful Psalm. It may be said to be its keynote. God's statutes are the path of purity. If a young man will take heed to them, his way will be cleansed. The passage of the Word of God through the heart, like the running of clean water through a pipe, will purify it. Constant study of the Bible is the condition of soul-health.
Consecration is closely associated with Bible study (Psa_119:10). Holiness is wholeness--that is, the whole-hearted devotion of a whole nature to God, the consecration of every power to His service. This leads us to lean hard on God, and to seek His companionship and fellowship. Psa_119:11 tells us of a good thing laid up in a good place, and the result. In the midst of a London season, and amid the stir and turmoil of a political crisis, William Wilberforce wrote in his diary: "Walked from Hyde Park Comer, repeating the 119th Psalm in great comfort"; John Ruskin said: "It is strange that of all the pieces of the Bible which my mother taught me, that which cost me most to learn, and which to my child's mind was most repulsive, the 119th Psalm, has now become, of all, the most precious to me in its glorious passion for the law of God."
The study of the Bible enables us to bear witness for God (Psa_119:13). An inspector on one of our railways once told me that he had a vision of God whilst studying his Bible and kneeling in prayer. From this he went to his duties on the station platform. At one end of the train, a man offered him some whisky, but he was able to answer, "I have had a better drink than that," and pointed him to the Water of Life (Joh_4:14; Rev_22:17). At the other end of the train, another man asked him for a Testament, the slang phrase for a pack of cards, and my friend was able to pass on to him a Pocket Testament! It is when the Word of God fills the heart that it overflows through the lips and actions, and it is what flows over from us that really helps and blesses our fellow-men. "'Out of him shall flow rivers of living water." Let us live in fellowship with God through His Word. This will light up our life with gladness, amid many sorrows. Wait not for Heaven, but here and now, day by day, be joyful in heart and life (Psa_119:14-16).

Open Thou mine eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of Thy law. AMEN.

Friday, April 6, 2012

Friday April 6 2012

Good Friday... for human kind.  For God - well it meant giving up His Son to die for all the sins of humanity.  
Jesus, the Son of God, died for you and me on a cross, to publicly bear the sins, shame, and sorrows of mankind on Himself.
And all you have to do is believe, accept and allow Him to come into your life to redeem, renew and revive.  
Do it today, accept Christ as your personal Savior.

Consider today's meditation from James Ryle:

April 6

The Royal, Ruling Power of God
"For the kingdom of God is not meat and drink; but righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost" ((Romans 14:17).
When jewelers want to show the exquisite beauty of a diamond, they always set it upon black velvet under bright lights. That way, the only thing that can capture and refract the light will be the jewel, making it appear in its fullest luster. I will attempt to do a similar thing right now as it pertains to the Kingdom of God. I want to illustrate it by way of contrast.
In The Mist, a movie based on the novel by Stephen King, a thick unnatural mist rapidly spreads across the small town of Bridgton the morning after a violent thunderstorm. With visibility reduced to near-zero, no one can see that the mist is concealing numerous species of bizarre, otherworldly creatures which viciously attack any human who ventures out into the open. In a weird plot twist the story goes suddenly religious when Mrs. Carmody announces that the only way to appease the darkness and stop the power of evil is by human sacrifice., that's the black velvet upon which I now contrast a most exquisite and resplendent crown jewel — the Kingdom of God.
The Kingdom is the exact opposite of the Mist, with one exception. Both are pervasive, and carry within themselves something that is otherworldly. In the case of the Mist, it was horror and death brought about by hideous creatures. 
In the case of the Kingdom, it is righteousness, peace, and joy — brought about by the Holy Spirit working in our lives.
The Kingdom is the royal, ruling power of God present now in our world; pervading all things with its redeeming influence; healing and transforming lives, homes and communities. And everything goes according to God's plan, as long as man doesn't try and make it become a religious thing. That's when the monsters appear.
Paul writes, "The kingdom of God is not meat and drink," meaning that God never intended for us to sit in judgment against others over matters of eating and drinking, or going to church on Sunday, or a host of other things all designed to divide us from one another.
Jesus brought the royal, ruling power of God into our world to make things right, not religious. Righteousness means set right with God and man. The immediate result of righteousness is always peace, for we are no longer striving to control one another into doing something the way we suppose it should be done. And the result of peace, is always joy — the happiness of healed relationships.
Turn away from the unholy Mist, and live your life in the pervasive presence of the Holy Spirit — for He is the one who produces the work of the royal, ruling power of God in our lives.....and through our lives for others.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Tuesday April 3 2012

Have faith, live in hope, be good, do good.  Is there anymore than that?  

Bob Hoekstra says:

April 3

God Enlightening Us about Our Spiritual Resources
Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ... the eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that you may know what is the hope of His calling.  (Eph_1:3, Eph_1:18)
We have seen that all the grace resources God has for us to live by here on earth are already ours "in Christ." Now, our need is to have these comprehensive spiritual treasures revealed to us by the Lord Himself: "the eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that you may know what is the hope of His calling." In order to draw upon these heavenly provisions, we need the Lord to enlighten our understanding concerning what is ours in Christ Jesus. "Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor have entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for those who love Him. But God has revealed them to us through His Spirit" (1Co_2:9-10). As the Holy Spirit uses the word of God to reveal these matters to us, our faith develops so we might access them by faith. "So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God" (Rom_10:17). 
The scriptures teach us to pray for such spiritual enlightenment. "Open my eyes, that I may see wondrous things from Your law" (Psa_119:18). In the word of God, we are told of the wonderful things that God has for His people. If we prayerfully seek the Lord concerning His insight into these blessings, the Lord will enlighten us. His willingness to respond is evident in His word. "Call to Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know" (Jer_33:3). 
The Lord delights to give heavenly spiritual insight to the humble of heart, not to those who trust in their own wisdom and prudence. "In that hour Jesus rejoiced in the Spirit and said, 'I praise You, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, that You have hidden these things from the wise and prudent and revealed them to babes'" (Luke 10:21). This picture of a little one humbly trusting in the Heavenly Father to reveal His ways fits perfectly God's pattern for living by grace: humility and faith. What God has given us in Christ are His grace resources. It takes grace at work for us to even see what is ours in Him. God gives grace to the humble (Jam_4:6), and faith accesses grace (Rom_5:2). 
Dear Lord, fountain of every heavenly blessing, I humble myself before You. On my own, I could never discover the richness You have given me in Christ. 
Please enlighten me by Your Spirit, as I search Your scriptures. Build my faith to draw upon Your grace resources day by day, through Christ I pray, Amen.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Monday April 2 2012

Good morning world, 
April now, Spring and new hopes.  Wonderful time of the year, with renewal and blessings of growth.
But are you truly at peace? Happiness is fleeting, joy is temporary, but peace lasts if you can find it. 
Consider these thoughts from Bob Hoekstra:

April 2

Every Spiritual Blessing Ours in Christ
Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ.  (Eph_1:3)
Living day by day by grace is essentially about developing an intimate relationship with the Lord. "But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far off have been brought near by the blood of Christ." We have considered some of the radical extent of that intimacy through the intriguing phrase "in Christ." "You also have become dead to the law through the body of Christ, that you may be married to another, even to Him who was raised from the dead" (Rom_7:4). Through this profound uniting with Christ, astounding spiritual riches are now ours. 
This is why Paul offered grateful praise to the Lord: "Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ." Paul's thanksgiving was for what the Father has given to us: "who has blessed us." Notice, the verb is in the past tense — this has already happened. What is it that has already been given to us? It is "every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places." Think of it. This truth is staggering in its implications. Every grace resource that heaven has to offer is already ours here on earth. This does not mean that we are fully aware of all that has been given to us. Certainly, it does not mean that we are experiencing all of these blessings. Yet, it does mean that they are all ours to draw upon for fullness of life here on earth! 
The reason these rich blessings are ours is that they all reside in Christ. In Christ is forgiveness, righteousness, and wisdom. Also, love, joy, and peace are found in Him. In Christ dwell victory, discernment, and courage. Moreover, compassion, strength, and perseverance are part of who He is. All this and far more is found in Christ. "For it pleased the Father that in Him [in Christ] all the fullness should dwell" (Col_1:19). Now, we dwell in the place ("in Christ") where all of this richness resides: "who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ." All these spiritual resources of the kingdom of heaven are now ours "in Christ." "And of His fullness we have all received, and grace for [upon] grace" (Joh_1:16).
Dear Father, I too want to bless You for bestowing all of this richness upon me. Lord, forgive me for the spiritual poverty that I too often experience. Teach me to draw upon these limitless treasures of Your grace. I want to honor You with an abundant walk in Christ's fullness, Amen

Additionally, listen to F. B. Meyer's lesson on Jesus:

April 2

"What doth the Lord require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God."-- Mic_6:8.

MICAH WAS a man of the people, and a true patriot. In his day, the political outlook was dark in the extreme, and the prophet felt that one thing only could save his country, and that was a deep and widespread revival of religion. To the inquiry of the people as to whether Jehovah desired the sacrifice of animals, or little children, who were immolated by the heathen people around in order to rid their consciences from sin, the answer came that God required something more spiritual and searching: "He hath shewed thee, O man, what is good, etc."
Let us make this threefold message our own. 
To do justly, giving not a fraction less than can be rightly claimed from us. Every one of us must acknowledge the righteous claims of our home-circle, and of our neighbours, and we must adjust these claims, giving each his due.
Let us love mercy. There are some who have perhaps forfeited all claim on our mercy--the prisoner, the fallen, the helpless, our enemies--we must help all these not grudgingly, but cheerfully and willingly. Do not try to love mercy till you begin to show it. Dare to step out into a life of unselfish beneficence, and as you do so, you will come to love it. 
St. James insists that pure religion as much consists in visiting the widow and fatherless in their affliction as in keeping oneself unspotted from the world.
Let us also walk humbly with God, not lagging behind, nor running before, but walking with Him, hand in hand. All down the ages, from Enoch onward, there have been those who walked with God in unstained robes. It is not in sacrifices, or rites, or church-going, or almsgiving, though these will follow afterwards, but in holy and humble living, that the heart of true religion is realized.
Is that all? No! What is to be done for those who have tried and failed, who are conscious of guilt and sin? In the closing verses of this book is the answer. There we learn that God will not only forgive, but will subdue our iniquities. He will turn again and have compassion upon us, and cast all our sins into the depths of the sea. He delighteth in mercy! Who is a God like unto Thee?

O Lord, may Thy all-powerful grace make me as perfect as Thou hast commanded me to be. AMEN.