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Friday, April 13, 2012

Friday April 13 2012

Good morning to you,
God is truly beyond comprehension.  It starts with the basic question: is there a God?  
There is a life with God and a life without God.  Your choice.  
If you choose to accept and believe that God IS, then there comes a  whole litany of questions that has to be answered.  Life without God is much simpler for sure!
But, then, life without God, in my humble opinion, is empty and without purpose and meaning.  We are no more than the lower animals - we are born, we live, we die!
So, what is life with God?
Consider this from Bob Hoekstra:

April 13

Eternal Life and Knowing God
And this is eternal life, that they may know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom You have sent.  (Joh_17:3)
This statement by the Lord Jesus begins in a very profound manner: "And this is eternal life." To complete such a statement requires comprehensive truth. If the statement had started with "this is included in eternal life," many non-comprehensive matters could be used to finish the statement. One could rightly state that forgiveness of sins is included in eternal life. One could properly say that escaping hell and securing heaven are included in eternal life. Likewise, one could say that meaning and purpose for living are included in eternal life. Additionally, one could state that spiritual gifts and spiritual fruit are also included. 
Furthermore, one could say that fellowship in the body of Christ and new understanding of the scriptures are included. Nevertheless, none of these individually, nor all of these collectively, are sufficient to complete the statement: "And this is eternal life." 
To finish that profound beginning, one must add an all-encompassing truth. One must speak of the full dimensions of eternal life. What is large enough to complete that majestic opening? Only the one reality of knowing God would be adequate: "that they may know You." 
Yes, knowing God is what eternal life is all about. It is only through meeting the Lord that forgiveness is found. It is only by being in Christ that we escape hell and secure heaven. Then, it is only through getting acquainted with the Lord that meaning and purpose for our lives are made real to us. Also, it is only through a growing intimacy of trust in Christ that spiritual gifts and spiritual fruit can properly mature. Furthermore, it is only through an increasing acquaintanceship with the Lord that Christian fellowship and biblical insight are appropriately developed. 
These truths certainly concur with those prophetic words of old that promised a new covenant of grace to replace the old covenant of law. "I will make a new covenant... not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers... But this is the covenant that I will make... I will put My law in their minds, and write it on their hearts; and I will be their God, and they shall be My people... they all shall know Me, from the least of them to the greatest of them" (Jer_31:31-34). Heb_8:11 makes it clear that these words are for us today. "All shall know Me, from the least of them to the greatest of them." The new covenant provides a growing, intimate acquaintanceship for all who will walk in its terms of grace.
Dear Father, I confess that I often think and behave as though eternal life is less than knowing You. Help me to understand and to live the very essence of Your new covenant  of grace — Your provisions for allowing me to grow in knowing You, through Christ Jesus, my Lord, Amen.

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