Asian and American

Asian and American
Japanese Stella near Jefferson and FDR Memorials

Saturday, April 4, 2015


Is it racial or cultural?  
Is it prejudice or discrimination?
Is it hate or fear?
Is it just bad behavior or ignorance?

Why does it have to be politically correct?
What the heck is politically correct?
Who says so?
What is the difference between being sensitive and just plain truthful?

There seems to be a lot of hate, fear, prejudice, outright discrimination, and just bad behavior these days.  It isn't just stupid people doing stupid things, it is all kinds of people at all levels doing dumb, stupid and just plain evil and hurtful things.  

Really, why can't we just get along?  
What's wrong with that?
What ever happened to the basic rules of human decency?  Respect, kindness, courtesy, tolerance, self control, responsibility, duty, honor, self respect, and even a little bit of love?

Are we progressing or regressing?  
Are we evolving or devolving? 
Are we adapting or extincting?

So much of today's strifes and major issues such as wars and conflicts seem to result from the great differences in beliefs and values and truths.  
When did we have to be right?  When did there have to be just one truth? When did we humans stop being human?

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