Asian and American

Asian and American
Japanese Stella near Jefferson and FDR Memorials

Thursday, July 6, 2017

July 6, 2017

What a neat time we live in today.  All the various factors of mankind and humankind are in such turmoil, chaos, change, and uproar.  In nearly every area of interest to anyone there is something for everyone.  
Politics - the ultimate war game.  
Winners prosper, losers wither.  Around the world there seems to be a see-saw battle between the left and right with no real clear victors anywhere.  
There is a very strong vertical battle too.  This is the battle of the mind through religion, theologies, and spiritualities.  Many of the current conflicts, chaos, and changes are due to the battle of the theologies and religions.  Religious Imperialism has replaced politics and economics for the right to cause human misery.  How ironic that the solution to human suffering is causing the most suffering and displacement of refugees.

Sports is such a huge part of life.  
The ultimate entertainment and titillation and voyeuristic pastime.  Millions of people living vicariously through their sports teams and idols.  Sports is a replacement for direct human conflicts and wars because, well, wars are so costly and damaging.  People seem to be able to get much of the same sense of vicarious "winning" adrenaline rush from their sports teams and individual sports heroes and heroines.  

Entertainment and Lifestyles
Films, TV, music, Broadway and stage, dance, opera, bands and groups and individuals - it all seems to be melting toward so much commonality despite the incredible varieties of genres and forms. Celebrities in all forms - from Royalties who are followed like movie stars, movie and music and media stars who are treated as royalty, and self made ones who may get their "15 minutes of fame" all feed into the FAME model of achievements.  

Technology /Computers/Information/Data
New developments in chips and processors, new quantum computing and mega computers merging into super computers.  All seem to be combining to replicate the human brain, ultimately leading to Artificial Intelligence AI and Artificial Sentient Awareness and Being.  
Could there be Cybernet and Cyberdyne, could we see "Robots of Dawn", could this be the next great step in freeing humans from drudgery and labor or a step toward the enslavement of all of humankind.  The next few decades will definitely show a pattern and path.  Great thinkers like Stephen Hawking and many, many more are sounding the warning bell on unrestricted and unmanaged technology explosion.  

Technology in Life Sciences, particularly DNA and Bioscience.
These could lead to solutions and answers to humanity's ills and problems, or, unleash a Pandora's Box of human affliction and subjugation.  Again full of promise and potential problems.  We could see the "perfect" humans very soon - with superior intelligences, physical capacities and capabilities, without any genetic limitations as we know them today.  But, will that be a good thing?

- the ultimate human invention, the great quantifier and identifier of human greed, avarice, and caste based on accumulation and hoarding.  Again Money can be our liberator or our master enslaver.  The present dichotomy of have/have nots, rich and poor, wealth and money inequalities... all point to greater human stratification.  There could even be a split in the species into sub species with work and capacity delineation, a "colonization" effect of workers and rulers, poor and affluent as there were in the past, but with much greater structures, limitations and bondage.

There are many alternatives and possibilities.  
The left/socialist/communist/egalitarians see a world of equals and unity.  
The Right sees a diversification and vertical categorization, a "Darwinian" view of Life.  Survival of the "fittest and luckiest".

Humanity swings from the the extremes and thus the impetus and energy for changes, adaptations and evolution.  
Each one of us no matter where or whom we are born to come into this life with the programming and natural pre-dispositions in our DNA that combine with our home and cultural programmings.  What we believe, value, hold true and fight for and willing to die for are all inside our brains.  

In the end, all reality is in our heads, in that magic 3 pounds of minerals and elements, water and viscous fluids.  What we perceive, hold true, accept as absolute values, believe and follow and act on - all come from the brain's billions and billions of neurons acting together to form our reality.  

What is your reality?  
What do you believe?  
What do you value?  
There are so many ways to measure, quantify and classify the myriad variables that form you as a being.  Are you liberal, conservative, libertarian, egalitarian, existentialist, realist, dreamer, imaginer, hoper, doer, thinker, lover, fighter, negotiator, decider, handler, keeper, giver, sharer, hoarder, helper, taker, whatever you er, you are you and you are unique.  Except that most likely there are at least several thousand person just like you.  

Where does all this come from and who decides where we are to go?  
I propose that it's all up to - YOU!  

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