Asian and American

Asian and American
Japanese Stella near Jefferson and FDR Memorials

Friday, May 28, 2010

Friday May 28

Well, it's actually Saturday May 29, early morning.
Moved my things out of the school, turned in my keys and my i.d.
I still have to get the FMLA form done, in VB.

All this because of racial and cultural misunderstandings.  Also, my fault on depending on and misinterpreting the minority.  Doesn't it suck that the tail gets to wag the dog?  Why all this focus on the small minority, why do they have so much say so in a representative democracy of majority rules?  What about the majority?  What is a majority?

Well, I hope you are well and that life is being good to you as you want it to be for you.
Check with you tomorrow as we dig deeper into this and many more issues.

Friday May 28

Going to get a physical to verify that I can be on medical leave.  Long story but one that will be told in the coming days.
Waiting for the calls from DoDDS or Hawaii, Florida, Washington... well, not to worry too much.

Check with you later.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

May into June, Spring turns to Summer, well in the northern hemisphere!

Let's see why you're here?  You want to know about Orphans?  Adoptees?  Being an Adult?   My experiences in all these stages does NOT make me any kind of expert.  That's the first caveat.
But I would like to post and share for as long as this technology and system lasts - what's the half life of a blog? about a week?  Oh well, maybe it will be enough time to write all my thoughts.

Wanna go backwards?  So the usual question between friends is "What have you done for me lately?"  To paraphrase that a bit, you may wonder "What have YOU accomplished or done that's worth talking about and wasting my valuable time reading about it?"