Asian and American

Asian and American
Japanese Stella near Jefferson and FDR Memorials

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Tuesday, December 21

How are you?
Really a rhetorical question right now since this is basically a very public personal journal.
Merry Christmas, in the truest sense as a celebration of the birth of the true King of Kings, Lord of Lords - Jesus Christ, the Son of God.
Happy New Year... but that was said last year and every year before.
So, really, how are you?

Well, life is sucking pretty badly these days in so many ways.  The balance sheet leans heavily towards sadness and despair rather than towards happiness and peace.  Belief, Faith, Hope... my three true friends.  They are the only reasons I can still go on.
It seems that for every step forward, I am pushed back three... how about you?
Are your dreams still strong, are your goals within reach?

Bankrupt, broke, but not beaten.  Still holding on to the shreds and shards of hope.

God I really need a miracle, again.  You have been there for me at the most desperate and crucial times. God, my heavenly Father, you know my needs, my situation, my trials.... please God, HELP ME, carry me through these times, these challenging circumstances...

Only God knows the future, only God can bring the miracles.

I wait in hopeful prayers.

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