Asian and American

Asian and American
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Thursday, April 21, 2011

Thursday April 21

Good morning to you,
I've been sharing with you meditations I have found and agree with... believe in, hope in, and have faith in.

You can have them also, along with a multitude of Bible in various translations, commentaries by the greatest Biblical minds, and other aids to your Bible study.  You can have it all for FREE... go to
and download it all, for free.  
There are many other resources you can download also for a slight price if you so want.  Try it out, you will love the blessings it brings.

Well, now.  Here we are at Easter weekend.  It's the latest in April I ever remember it being.  So what.  It's the all time most important weekend of all.  
To me Easter is THE Holiest season.  Yes, Christmas celebrates our Lord coming to earth.  But He could have chosen to live an exemplary life, teach His disciples how to achieve a path and then gone the natural path back to Heaven.  He could have, but He didn't.  He DIED ON THE CROSS FOR YOU AND ME as a redemptive act of Love.  He absorbed all of my sins and your sins and those of all humans so that we can finally have access, an audience as needed, as wanted, any time, any where, any how with GOD.  Then He arose, came back to teach His disciples more for 40 days and then He return to Heaven in a cloud, rising up before the disciples eyes back to His home, our home, to Heaven.  
Of course, the Pentecost is when He sends the Holy Spirit to us all, which is another day's thoughts... but Easter, Oh Thank You Heavenly Father, my Lord, my God, my Redeemer...
Thank you for dying on the sacred cross for my sins, thank you for loving me and saving me from all my weaknesses, for your grace that keeps me in faith and hope. 
Thank you Jesus, my Lord and my Redeemer.

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