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Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Tuesday June 19, 2012

Hello my friend,
How are you?  How's life treating you?  
May I ask?  What do you want from life?  What do you expect?  What are your hopes, dreams, wishes?  

Surely we have all gone through the cycles of life: growth, maturity, getting, giving, courting, mating, raising, releasing, relishing, relinquishing, and now hopefully, rest.  
In this wonderful journey, for me, to live is Jesus Christ, my Savior and my God.  God gives meaning to life, His will brings about all the events of life, and you live a good life when you submit and surrender your life to God's Will.

Consider today's meditation from F. B. Meyer:

June 19

"And a man shall be as a hiding-place from the wind, and a covert from the the shadow of a great rock in a weary land."-- Isaiah 32:2.

WE ARE reminded that this prophecy was uttered in a time of great unrest. The clouds of war were gathering dark on the horizon, and Israel was looking for help from the arm of flesh. In this emergency the voice of the prophet was heard, saying: "Look not to Egypt, but to God" (Isa_31:1). The kingdom depends on the king: "Behold a king shall reign in righteousness, and princes rule in judgment." 

When all politics and commerce, social and domestic life are under the sway and guidance of Jesus Christ, the Kingdom of God will come, and the Will of God shall be done on earth, as in heaven. The Lord Jesus is many-sided enough to meet all the varied needs of His people. Some need a covert from the tempest, others rivers of water to quench their thirst, others the shadow of a great rock in a weary land. But He is all and equal to all. 

When a man or woman owns the sway of Christ, eyes and ears are cleansed, there is no longer the hesitation of stammering confession, the judgment becomes rectified and the heart opened to a new generosity. First righteousness, then peace--such is heaven's eternal order.
This is a marvellous chapter! Note the words of warning to the women of Jerusalem. After all, the religious and political life of a nation is very much what the women make it, and there can never be a widespread deepening of religious life unless the women, who have such great capacity for God, turn to Him in repentance and faith.

Are our conditions similar? Surely they are! For if in the days of Solomon it was true that all things were full of labour and stress, how much more true is it in our time! The tides of human life are high and stormy, and there is no sense of security. We may surely plead that we need the quiet resting-places and sure dwellings, in which our souls may shelter! The promise is made to "'My people"--to those who have heard and obeyed the voice of the Good Shepherd. If you are one of the weakest and lowliest of these, you may draw comfort here (Isa_32:18).

Bring us, O Lord, through the troubled waters of life into a haven of repose. Hide us secretly in Thy pavilion from the strife of tongues and the fiery darts of the wicked one. May we be at peace with Thee, with ourselves, and with all. AMEN.

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