Asian and American

Asian and American
Japanese Stella near Jefferson and FDR Memorials

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Wednesday June 13, 2012

There comes a time when you sit down and wonder "What's this all about?" or the more common "Why ME?"  So many just exist, survive day to day and go through their routines, habits and motions.  But, don't you ever think that there must be more, that we have to have a reason for all this travail and troubles?  
Perhaps there isn't really, after all, if we are just a chemical happenstance, just a collection of water and chemical compounds, an evolutionary peak of adaptation, then why bother asking?  Just live, eat, conquer, destroy, and live at the most basic levels of motivation - eat, reproduce, conquer and amass, destroy enemies and foes, dominate and rule the kingdom.  After all, that life strategy works well for most life forms on earth.  
But, are we really different?  Are we special?  
We are the direct product of a loving and caring God.  He made us in His image - to love Him and obey God's laws and commandments.  
As human laws get displaced and replaced, so God's laws changed and adapted through human history.  The intent of the laws did not change, but the laws came to a fountain head in Jesus Christ the Son of God!
Jesus came to this world to reconnect man back to God on a personal level, where God could walk with man constantly.  God is waiting to hold you, love you, protect you, bless you, guide you, lead you, but most importantly redeem you from this animal world and make you His Spiritual son or daughter.  
All you have to do is accept His gift to you... Salvation through the death and resurrection of Jesus, the Son of God who died for the sins of the world.  
That's it, it's that simple.  
Jesus died for your sins and my sins.  He died to reconnect you back to God.  And it's all for just asking God to save you through the price of His Son's death on the cross... 
All you have to do is:

  •  confess your sins, that you are a mortal, materialistic creature - "Lord God, I confess that I am a sinner,"
  • Accept Jesus as your Savior "Please save me through the blood redemption of your Son, Jesus."
  • open your heart, mind, body and soul to the Holy Spirit "Lord, come into and over my life, fill me with your Holy Spirit and be part of me, walk with me constantly"
  • then live the redeemed life, follow the example of Jesus Christ.
  • Read the Bible daily for your food and spiritual sustenance.
That's it.  You are now a child of God, and He will walk with you and be your God.

May you be blessed to become God's child.

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