Asian and American

Asian and American
Japanese Stella near Jefferson and FDR Memorials

Saturday, November 13, 2010

November 13, 2010 Transitions and Thanksgivings

Wish I could have some wishes!  (Are prayers wishes, or a wish list of things we want?)

I'd wish for happiness for my family and friends.
I'd wish for some Justice, a balancing of things in this world.
I'd wish for less poverty and pain and suffering.
I'd wish for less fear and hate, less evil and evil doing.

It is so frustrating to me to see so much inequity and inequality.  Is it really natural for it to be like this, dog eat dog, rich dominating and squeezing the poor, the haves taking advantage of the poor and those in the middle don't give a bit of care about it, as long as they are comfortable?

don't have any answers, been looking for some.  have to just raise my hands in surrender and frustration.
when most of the people on the planet go to bed hungry, when over 20,000 children die of starvation each day, when people are struggling to just each and not be in pain while a few million wallow in obscene wealth... is that the way it has to be?

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