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Monday, October 3, 2011

Monday Oct 3

Heaven... why do we so want it, revere it, and have so little understanding of it?  By definition, it is where God resides, where the saints go to after death separates the human form, and where all is perfect.  
However, since God is with us now, here and now, then by default we ARE in heaven now.  We don't appreciate all of it because we can not feel the full loving presence of God.  When we do get to that point, then indeed, we are getting closer to Heaven and into God's presence. That goal of Godly awareness, of His Love, seems to be the purpose of all the other human forms of god seeking... meditation, rituals, ritualistic praying, and so many other human derived forms.  
The true way to God is self elimination and thus God manifestation.

Consider today's thoughts from James Ryle:
October 3

The God Who Helps
"You call out to God for help and He helps — He's a good Father that way. But don't forget, He's also a responsible Father, and won't let you get by with sloppy living. Your life is a journey you must travel with a deep consciousness of God." (1 Peter 1:17, The Message).
Some knuckle head somewhere back in time coined the phrase, "God helps those who help themselves." I suppose the guy was a dad, and he was trying to motivate a sluggish child to get with the program. Or more likely a parish priest trying to get his congregation up off their butts. But whoever it was, and whatever their motivation — the statement is false.
The truth of the matter is this — God does NOT help those who help themselves. He helps the helpless. He helps those who call out to Him.
God is not interested in helping us do our own thing with His assistance — for it will still be "our own thing." 
And apart from the perfunctory acknowledgement to The Man Upstairs — He receives little or no glory for our achievements. We keep it all for ourselves.
God helps those who want His help, need His help, and ask for His help. But, being responsible, He expects us to take the help He provides and become the best we can be in whatever it is we are doing. Knowing at all times, and in all things, that all the glory belongs to Him.
Need some help today? Ask God....and just watch what happens!

May God bless you today with His Love and Presence!

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