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Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Wednesday Oct 26

Wednesday already! How is your week going so far?  What is happening in your life?  Bit stressed?  A lot stressed?  Bills, demands, and many things not turning out the way they should or they way you want?  Yeah, me too.

I hold on because of my faith, belief, and hope in God my Creator, Jesus my Savior and Redeemer, and the Holy Spirit my Guide, Comforter, and Inspiration.  If nothing else in this world, I have three advocates and champions, three guides and protectors, three of the most powerful and all knowing beings as my guides and helpers.  And all I have to do is BELIEVE, ACCEPT, SUBMIT, AND COMMIT all that I am and all I hope for to Jesus, to God, to the Holy Spirit!  Have you?

Consider today's meditation by F.B. Meyer:

October 26

"I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. Faithful is He that calleth you, who also will do it."-- 1Th_5:23-24.

HE WILL do it. 
There is a tone of confidence in these words which bespeaks the unwavering faith of the Apostle in the faithfulness and power of God to do for these early Christian folk what indeed is needed by all of us; 
first, to be sanctified wholly, and
secondly, to be preserved without blame until the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.
We can hardly realise how much this meant for men and women reared amid the excesses and evils of those days, when religion was another name for unbridled indulgence. Blamelessness of life, the stainless habit of the soul, self-restraint--these were the attributes of the few whose natures seemed cast in a special mould. And yet how strong the assertion of the Apostle that, in the face of the insurmountable difficulties, the God of Peace would do even as much for them.
We must distinguish between blamelessness and faultlessness. 
The latter can only be ours when we have passed into the presence of His glory, and are presented faultless before Him with exceeding joy (Jud_1:24). 
The former, however, is within the reach of each of us, because God has said that He will do it. The Agent of the blameless life is God Himself. None beside could accomplish so marvellous a result, and He does it by condescending to indwell the soul. As His glory filled Solomon's Temple, so He waits to infill the spirit, soul, and body of those who trust Him.
He will do it as the God of Peace. The mightiest forces are the stillest. Who ever heard the day break, or detected the footfall of Spring? Who thinks of listening for the throb of gravitation, or the thud of the forces that redden the grape, golden the corn, and cover the peaches with bloom? 
So God works in the hearts of those who belong to Him. When we think we are making no progress, He is most at work. The presence of ozone in the air can only be detected by a faint colour on a piece of litmus-paper, and God's work in the soul is only apparent as the bloom of perfect love is shown in the life.

Almighty God, who lovest us, and to whom are known our yearnings for this blessed life; work Thou within us, quietly, gently, mightily, ridding us of the love of sin, and producing within us that blamelessness of soul which in Thy sight is of priceless value. AMEN.

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