Asian and American

Asian and American
Japanese Stella near Jefferson and FDR Memorials

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Sunday October 9, 2011

Heavenly Father, My God, My Creator, My All,
I come to you in humble Fear, Adoration, Worship, Penitence, and Supplication.  
Above All, I thank You for Your Grace that opened my eyes to Your Truths and for the Grace that convicted me of my many sins.  I praise You for Your Love that sent Your own Son to live the perfect life as an example for all of us, then to Die on the Cross as propitiation and redemption for all who Believe and Accept Jesus as their personal Savior.  
I thank you My God for Your Infinite Love, for Your Grace, for all You have done in my short life.  Thank you for choosing me, for allowing me to have Your Love and Grace and Your Forgiveness.  Thank You for my Salvation through the Immaculate Sacrifice of Your Son.  
Thank You for the Gift of the Holy Spirit, the Trinity is not complete without Your Gift of Inspiration by the Holy Spirit.  Fill me up Oh my God, indwell in me.  As Your servant David said, "Restore unto me the joy of Your Salvation and uphold me with a willing Spirit".  

Fill me Lord with a vision of Your Will for my life.  Give me Your Love and Grace that I may see and live Your Will each day of my Life for Your Glory and Your Will.  
Bless my dear family.  Be with each of them, grant them too Your Love and Grace, Your Blessings of Peace and Love and Joy and Hope and Faith ever growing.  
Bless my dear friends who have helped and are my source of strength and love.  Bless them with Your Infinite Love and Bounty.  
Bless the poor and especially the orphans.  Bless them and give them You Hope and Your Love.  
And finally Lord God, bless even my enemies, those who have hurt me so.  Give me your Grace to forgive and even to love them for they are nothing more than instruments of Your Will for my life.  Thus they are part of Your plan for my life and cannot be otherwise.  Bless them and give them Your Grace.  
Oh my Lord, my Heavenly Father, fill me with Your Love.  Strengthen me with Your Grace.  Bless me oh my Lord with deep Fear of Your infinite powers.  Give me more understanding of Your Will and Ways, open my eyes to see the path, to take the Leap of Faith in each thing, in each event, in each moment of loss and distress.  
Lord, be with my three children.  Bless them with Your Love, Grace, blessings, and open their eyes and their hearts to receive You and accept You.  Almighty God, You can do all things.  Thus I know and believe that Your love will "cure" my children.  

All this I ask because You allow me to come before You through the blood of Your Son and the Love and Guidance of the Holy Spirit.  Bless us Oh God with all the Love and Grace, Faith and Hope, Forgiveness and Blessings that we can hold to overflowing.  
In Jesus's Holy, Immaculate Name, Amen.

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