Asian and American

Asian and American
Japanese Stella near Jefferson and FDR Memorials

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Wednesday Nov 30 2011

Last day of November 2011, December next and then a new year.  It has been 53 years now since I first arrived in this new land that eventually became my home, my country.

How are you doing in the grand quest of the "American Dream"?  I wish you well.

So, is wealth, money, power, fame, knowledge, acclaim, sex, affluence... what is your goal(s)?  Do you know?  Do you know why?  What do you want?  It's all up to you.

May I suggest Jesus as the Answer, the True Goal, the real Joy and Happiness.  Not perfect for everyone, but maybe for you.

Consider today's meditation by F. B. Meyer:

November 30

"Ye are come unto the City of the living God ... to God the Judge of all, and to the spirits of just men made perfect, and to Jesus the Mediator of the New Covenant."-- Heb_12:22-24.

WE ARE far from being perfect. 
When in our deepest moments, we ascend into the Holiest, on the wings of faith and prayer, we pass through a vast host of sympathetic spirits, all of whom are devoted to the same Lord and Master, and are joining in the same act of worship. Many of them have known and helped us in our earthly life, and they have been sent forth to minister to us, and to help us on our way. "Ye are come to the spirits of just men made perfect."

We are also come unto God, the Judge of all. When Moses stood before God on the Mount, he said: "I exceedingly fear and quake." But we may come with boldness to the footstool of the Eternal Throne, though our God is a consuming fire, for in Christ Jesus we stand accepted.
He is the Mediator of the New Covenant, and His Blood speaks better things than that of Abel. That blood cried against Cain. But the Blood of Jesus cries on our behalf; it has opened the way into the Holiest; has cleansed us from our sins; has ratified the New Covenant, and is the Pledge of our redemption.
Therefore, although we realise our sinfulness and imperfection, let us arise into the unseen, and join with the One Church of the Redeemed in heaven and on earth. We are come to it in the purpose of God, and by the all-sufficing work of Christ our Lord, but let us see to it that we come also in our spiritual realization, communion, and fellowship.
We are members of the Church Universal, citizens of the Heavenly City. Heirs of that precious Redemption, which has severed us from things that are seen, and made us part of that blessed throng that no man can number--"the general Assembly and Church of the First-born, which are written in heaven."
 Neither life, nor death, nor rite, nor church-order, can divide those who are for ever one with each other because they are one with Christ. 
Nothing but sin and obtuseness of soul can exclude us from living fellowship with saints of all communions and sects, denominations and ages.

Accept our thanks, O God, for this foretaste of the bliss of Paradise. To Thee we would pour forth our tribute of adoring love, and join with angels and the spirits of the Redeemed in worship. Unto Him that sitteth upon the Throne, and unto the Lamb, be blessing and honour, glory and dominion, for ever. AMEN.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Tuesday Nov 29 2011

Tuesday, a day to get things done.  A day with resigned acceptance that the week is moving on and we might as well get it done.  So we work and we accept and we look forward to two days of individual choice, known as the weekend.  
This is the last Tuesday of November 2011, forever.  A special day as each day is so special.  Today may our Great God give me the grace to endure and persevere, to keep on keeping on.  Give me blessings oh my Lord God and Heavenly Father for I can't make it on my own.

Consider today's meditation from F. B. Meyer:

November 29

"Then flew one of the Seraphim unto me, having a live coal in his hand.., and said, lo this hath touched thy lips; and thine iniquity is taken away, and thy sin purged."-- Isa_6:6-7.

EACH SERAPH had six wings. "With twain he covered his face." Here was Reverence, which is one of the noblest traits in character, whether angelic or human. 
The statesman who beneath human movements set himself to understand the Divine purpose. 
The artist, whether in music, poetry or painting, who discovers a Presence which fills him with elevated and pure ideals. 
The scientist who compares himself to a child gathering pebbles on the shores of a boundless ocean. 
These resemble the Seraphim with their veiled faces.
"With twain they covered their feet"--Self-effacement and Humility. 
If we begin to think and talk of ourselves, we prove that we are second-rate. We may be attractive and useful, but we have not attained the first and best. The angels forgot themselves in their absorbing love for God. When shall we forget ourselves in His constraining love, so as not to live to ourselves, but to Him who died for us and rose again!
"With twain they did fly"--Obedient Service. 
The third part of our energy should be spent thus. Two-thirds of communion and worship must work themselves out in service, else we become dreamy mystics. 
Such life becomes contagious--"One cried to another." There is always a cry going forth from the eager soul which is right with God, and this awakens response in others and stirs them to service. One bird in the woodlands singing at dawn will wake the whole forest-glade to music. The Seraphim declared that the whole earth was full of God's glory!
The prophet saw his need of cleansing: "Woe is me! I am a man of unclean lips." We do not need to agonize with God for cleansing, but to open our hearts in confession. 
Immediately one of the Seraphim will fly to meet our need. Nay, the Lord Himself--Lo, this live coal, saturated with blood and steeped in flame, which combines Calvary and Pentecost, hath cleansed our iniquity and purged our sin! 
Then we shall cry: "Here am I; send me." Redeemed, forgiven, and cleansed sinners make the best evangelists!

Give us, O Lord, more than an angel's love, for Thou hast redeemed us. Give us the swiftness of an angel's obedience; may we do Thy commandments, and hearken to the voice of Thy word. Cleanse us from all iniquity and purge us from sin, and use us in Thy service. AMEN.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Monday Nov 28 2011

Happy Monday.  Happy Holidays, Happy Life to you.
I will state that life can be terrible, ironic, fateful and mocking.  Disappointments abound, disasters loom everywhere, and depression can set in so easily.  
How do we dare to move on? 
Consider today's meditation by Bob Hoekstra:

November 28

Jesus' Example of Grace Developing Our Lives
And the Child grew and became strong in spirit, filled with wisdom; and the grace of God was upon Him . . . And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and men.  (Luk_2:40, Luk_2:52)
In our previous devotional, we looked at the suffering that prepares us for God's grace to work in our lives, developing us spiritually. Jesus was given as the primary example of this truth. In our present verses, we see Jesus as the example of grace developing our lives comprehensively.   
When the Son of God came into the world as a man, He laid aside the independent exercise of His deity: "who, being in the form of God, did not consider it robbery to be equal with God, made Himself of no reputation, taking the form of a servant" (Phi_2:6-7). 
He then developed as any man should (except, He was without sin). "And the Child grew and became strong in spirit, filled with wisdom." Jesus grew in spiritual strength, as the Lord wants us to do: "strengthened with all might, according to His glorious power, for all patience and longsuffering with joy" (Col_1:11). 
The wisdom of the Father began to permeate His life, as He also desires for us: "that you may be filled with the knowledge of His will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding" (Col_1:9). 
When Jesus was twelve years old, His spiritual maturity and wisdom were evident, as He discussed the faith with the leaders of Israel. His parents "found Him in the temple, sitting in the midst of the teachers, both listening to them and asking them questions. And all who heard Him were astonished at His understanding and answers" (Luk_2:46-47).   
Jesus continued to develop in spiritual maturity, pleasing His heavenly Father and impacting the people. "This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased . . . Now about the middle of the feast Jesus went up into the temple and taught. And the Jews marveled, saying, 'How does this Man know letters, having never studied?' " (Mat_17:5 and Joh_7:14-15). 
The Lord wants our walk with Him and our testimony before others to grow, just as in Jesus' life. "Walk as children of light . . . proving what is acceptable to the Lord . . .  that you may become blameless and harmless, children of God without fault in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation, among whom you shine as lights in the world" (Eph_5:8, Eph_5:10 and Phi_2:15).   
In Jesus' life, this godly progress was accomplished by the grace of God at work: "and the grace of God was upon Him." So it is to be in our lives. 

O God of all grace, work in my life, as You did with Your Son, Jesus. Strengthen me spiritually and fill me with Your wisdom. Deepen my walk with You and increase the spiritual impact that I have on others, for Your pleasure and glory, Amen.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Sunday Nov 27 2011

Sunday, God's new day, the first day of the week, the day of Resurrection, the day of promise.  
Today is the last Sunday of November 2011... I will never see it again, nor will any human alive, for what passes will be gone forever.  Time is a one way street for us humans, but not God.  He is always there, God is ever present.  Which means God knows the past, present AND THE FUTURE.  So don't worry, be at peace, for God is in Charge!

Consider today's meditation from Bob Hoekstra:

November 27

The Suffering that Prepares Us for Grace
But may the God of all grace . . . after you have suffered a while, perfect, establish, strengthen, and settle you.  (1Pe_5:10)
In our previous meditation, we saw that "the God of all grace" wants to develop our lives spiritually. He wants to use His exceedingly abundant grace to "perfect, establish, strengthen, and settle" us. Now, we will examine the useful (though often undesired) suffering that prepares us for this work of grace. 
Yes, suffering is often the link between the work God wants to do in us and the abundant grace that He will use to effect the work: "after you have suffered a while." 
Even as the perfect, sinless man, the Son of God learned valuable lessons through suffering. "Though He was a Son, yet He learned obedience by the things which He suffered" (Heb_5:8). He experienced the agonies that can be involved in obeying God while dwelling in a rebellious, sinful world. He is the full example of godliness, and we are called to follow Him. "For to this you were called, because Christ also suffered for us, leaving us an example, that you should follow His steps" (1Pe_2:21). 
If we are willing to walk the path of godliness, we will suffer as well. "Yes, and all who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution" (2Ti_3:12). Such trials and sufferings are normal and purposeful. "Beloved, do not think it strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened to you" (1Pe_4:12). Painful trials seem strange, but they routinely come to test and exercise our faith. 
God gives grace to the humble. Trials and suffering humble our hearts and stir us to cry out to the Lord for His necessary grace. This direct link between suffering and grace can be seen in Paul's most persistent trial of suffering. "Lest I should be exalted above measure by the abundance of the revelations, a thorn in the flesh was given to me . . . Concerning this thing I pleaded with the Lord three times that it might depart from me" (2Co_12:7-8). Paul's difficulty moved him to earnestly plead with the Lord for His intervention. The Lord responded by His grace. "And He said to me, 'My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness.' Therefore most gladly I will rather boast in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me' " (2Co_12:9). 
Paul did not receive the healing grace that he sought. However, he experienced the sustaining grace that God often chooses to impart in times of suffering. Through His grace, God changed Paul's heart, not his circumstances.

O God of all grace, make me willing to endure the suffering that is necessary to prepare my heart for the transforming work of Your grace. Also, during sufferings and trials, please remind of the work You are doing, in Jesus name, Amen.

May you be strong, patient, faithful in your hard times and suffering.  May God bless you with all Grace to accept and then grow through your sufferings and trials.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Saturday Nov 26 2011

How quickly the days fly by.  I am totally amazed at the speed of time now.  My life is truly approaching old age, with each day flying by and time passing fading away.  
It's Saturday, the day after the big "black Friday", the post Thanksgiving spending frenzy of buy and get consumerism.  It was amazing at how many people had lined up for these sales.  Hard to believe that our country is in "trouble" when I see so many buying things they don't need, when I see how so many are in need.  
Heavenly Father, send Your Son back to us and quickly establish His Kingdom.

Today's thoughts apply to how to live a Christian life.  First from Bob Hoekstra:

November 26

The God of All Grace Developing Our Lives
But may the God of all grace, who called us to His eternal glory by Christ Jesus . . . perfect, establish, strengthen, and settle you.  (1Pe_5:10)
We have been considering God's grace as "much more" (Rom_5:17, Rom_5:20), as "exceeding" (2Co_9:14), and as "exceedingly abundant" (1Ti_1:14). 
These terms appropriately lead into our present meditation, which looks at "the God of all grace." The true and living God has all kinds and all measures of grace, and He wants to impart that grace to develop our lives. 
One purpose of God's grace is to allow us to dwell forever in His glorious abode: "who called us to His eternal glory by Christ Jesus." This is ours through the atoning death of Jesus Christ, our mediator. "He is the Mediator of the new covenant (of grace), by means of death, for the redemption of the transgressions under the first covenant (of law), that those who are called may receive the promise of the eternal inheritance" (Heb_9:15). 
Meanwhile, until He returns for us, He wants to develop our lives spiritually during our pilgrimage here on earth. 
Part of His plan is to perfect our lives. "May the God of all grace . . . perfect . . . you." This speaks of God completing what is missing and equipping us for service. "Now may the God of peace . . .  make you complete in every good work to do His will . . . And He Himself gave some to be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, and some pastors and teachers, for the equipping of the saints for the work of ministry" (Heb_13:20-21 and Eph_4:12)
Part of His plan is to establish our lives. "May the God of all grace . . . establish . . . you." This has to do with the Lord stabilizing our Christian walk, keeping us steadfastly moving in His direction for our lives. This word was used to describe Jesus' unswerving commitment to head for the cross, resurrection, and ascension that awaited Him in Jerusalem. "Now it came to pass, when the time had come for Him to be received up, that He steadfastly set His face to go to Jerusalem" (Luk_9:51). 
Part of His plan is to strengthen our lives. "May the God of all grace . . . strengthen . . . you." Our calling to serve God requires strength that we do not have in and of ourselves. The Lord wants to teach us to draw upon His mighty power: "that He would grant you, according to the riches of His glory, to be strengthened with might through His Spirit in the inner man" (Eph_3:16). 

Part of His plan is to settle our lives. "May the God of all grace . . . settle . . . you." This involves being increasingly grounded in God's ways: "that you, being rooted and grounded in love" (Eph_3:17).

Dear God of all grace, I am eager to be with You in glory above. Meanwhile, I humbly beseech You to develop my life spiritually. Please complete what is missing, stabilize my walk, empower me within, and ground me in Your love — all by Your grace, Amen.

And this from F. B. Meyer:

November 26

"What shall I render unto the Lord for all His benefits toward me?"-- Psa_116:12.

GOD'S BENEFITS are here compared to a cup or chalice brimming with salvation. It seems natural to speak of man's lot, either of sorrow or joy, as the cup of which he drinks. The cup or lot of our life brims with instances of God's saving help---"my cup runneth over," and we ask, how may we thank Him enough? 
What shall we render unto Him, for all His gracious help?
There are many answers, and the first is, that we will Take. In other words, as one has truly said, Taking from God is the best giving to God, for God loves to give. St. James says: "He is the giving God, who gives not only liberally, but with no thought of personal advantage, and for the mere joy of giving?' 
What, then, will gratify Him more than to be trusted, to find recipients for His gifts, to know that we are prepared to be His poor debtors, owing Him ten thousand talents, with nothing to pay, but still receiving and receiving from His great heart of Love. Nothing hurts God more than that we should not take what He offers--"God so loved that He gave," and when we refuse to appropriate His greatest gift, we inflict the deepest indignity and dishonour of which we are capable.
Then, we must call upon His Name (Psa_116:13-17). Take the Name of the Lord as a test. Friendships, plans, profits, amusements, studies---all these cups should be tested by this one mighty Talisman.
We must be sure to pay our vows (Psa_116:14-18; Ecc_5:4-5). We make vows in our trouble, which we sometimes forget when it is past. Surely, it is the height of ingratitude not to redeem our promissory notes. All devoted things, which are laid on God's altar, are absolutely His, and the giver forfeits all rights to their disposal.

Our gratitude demands the gift of ourselves (Psa_116:16). When Robinson Crusoe freed the poor captive, the man knelt before his deliverer, and put his foot upon his neck, in token of his desire to be his slave, and the love of Christ, who loosed us from our bonds, constrains us to live not to ourselves but unto Him (Rev_1:5 R.V.). Loosed from the cords of sin, we become bound to the service of love.

Father, we would thank Thee for all the benefits that we have received from Thy goodness. 
The best thanksgiving we can offer to Thee is to live according to Thy holy will; grant us every day to offer it more perfectly, and to grow in the knowledge of Thy will and the love thereof 

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Nov 24 2011 Thanksgiving Day

Thank You my Heavenly Father for all your Love and Grace.
Thank you Lord for the gift of Your Son Jesus.  
Thank you for the gift of the Holy Spirit.  
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.  You are the All in All, and I am nothing without you.  
I thank you for my children, Kimberly, Hoya and Yoona.  Thank you for Ona and her strength.  Thank you for this life, this journey that you've given me to experience so that I may come to know you, to depend on you, to worship you daily, to follow your teachings and to become your child.  
Thank you for your grace that chose me and saved me through the blood of your son Jesus.  Thank you for the gift of the Holy Spirit to guide me, comfort me, to lead me back to you each time I wander.  
Almighty God of all, be with my children, give your grace to them, to love them and save them.  Choose them to become thy worthy servants, and lead them to full lives filled with Love, Joy and Peace.  

Thank you Father for all your Love and teachings.  


Today's meditation from F. B. Meyer:

November 24

"Now the God of Peace be with you all."-- Rom_15:33.
"Having made peace through the blood of His Cross."-- Col_1:20.

WE ALL need Peace! 
There are sources of Peace which are common to all men. The peace of a happy home; of an increasing business and enlarging influence; of the respect and love of our fellows. As a man is conscious of these, he is inclined to say with Job, "I shall die in my nest." We can all understand a peace like that; but there is a "peace that passeth understanding." It is too deep for words. It is like the pillowed depths of the ocean, which are undisturbed by the passing storm. Here is a sufferer, almost always in acute pain, and needing constant attention, and yet so happy. Joy and Peace, like guardian angels, sit by that bedside; and Hope, not blindfolded, touches all the strings of the lyre, and sheds sunshine,--how do you account for it? Let the sceptic and the scoffer answer! 
Here is a peace that passes understanding which comes from the God of Peace.
For the Christian soul there is a silver lining in every cloud; a blue patch in the darkest sky; a turn in the longest lane; a mountain view which shall compensate the steepest ascent. Wait on the Lord, and keep His way, and He shall exalt thee to inherit the land. The thing impossible shall be; because all things are possible to God.
The peace of God is the peace of the Divine Nature---the very tranquillity which prevails in the heart of the God of Peace. It was of this that Jesus spoke when He said, "My peace I give unto you"; for His own being was filled and blessed with it during His earthly career. "The Lord of Peace Himself give you peace always."

There are three things against which we must ever be on our guard lest they rob us of our peace. 
First, unconfessed sin; 
second, worry; 
third, the permission of an unrebuked selfish principle. The Apostle says, "Let the Peace of God rule in your hearts." The Greek word means arbitrate. Let God's Peace act as umpire.
We shall not escape life's discipline. 
We may expect to abound here, and to be abased there. But amid all, God's Peace, like a white-winged sentinel angel, shall come down to garrison our heart with its affections, and our mind with its thoughts.

I humbly ask, O God, that Thy Peace may be the garrison of my heart and mind; that it may ever rule within me, asserting itself over the tumultuous passions that arise within. And out of this Peace may I arise to serve Thee. AMEN.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Wednesday Nov 23 2011

So, how's your Thanksgiving preparations going?  
So much depends on how you are blessed and how you are thinking.  
I hope, that magical word, in faith and love that God has blessed you bountifully.  
Today's meditation from F.B. Meyer:

November 23

"Now the God of Hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that ye may abound in Hope, in the power of the Holy Ghost."-- Rom_15:13.

WE ALL need to abound in Hope. 
Hope is the artist of the soul.
Faith fills us with joy and peace, which brim over in Hope. 
When Faith brings from God's Word the materials of anticipation and expectation, Hope transfers the fair colours to her palette, and with a few deft dashes of her brush delineates the soul's immortal and unfading hope. Faith thus excites Hope to do her fairest work, until presently the wails of our soul become radiant with frescoes. Our faith rests on God's Word, and hope rests on faith, and such hope cannot be ashamed. It is the anchor of the soul, which enters that which is within the veil, and links us to the shores of eternity (Heb_6:18-19).
Faith rests on the promises of God. She does not calculate on feeling, is indifferent to emotion, but with both hands clings to some word of promise, and looking into God's face, says; "Thou canst not be unfaithful." When God has promised aught to thee, it is as certain as if thou hadst it in hand. Faith not only takes the Word of God, and rests her weight on it, but often when hard-pressed goes beyond the Bible back to God Himself, and argues that God is faithful and cannot deny Himself. Because God is God, He must ever act worthily of Himself.
It was thus that Moses argued, when he was with Him in the Holy Mount, to do thus would not be worthy of Thyself! (Num_14:13-20). 
We may be assailed with a hundred questions of doubt in the day, but must no more notice them than a barking cur. 
A business man once said that when he is convinced of the rightness of a certain course, he is sometimes assailed by doubts which arise like the cloud-mist of the valley, or the marsh gas from the swamp; but when thus tempted, he turns to the promises of God, often reading three or four chapters of the Old Testament. This brings him in touch with the eternal world, filling him with joy and peace and abounding hope in believing, through the power of the Holy Ghost. They shall not be ashamed that hope in Him!

Make me, O Lord, to know the Hope of Thy calling, the riches of the glory of Thine inheritance in the saints, and the exceeding greatness of Thy power towards them that believe. Above all, grant me the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Thyself AMEN.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Tuesday Nov 22 2011

The joys of the holidays, the sweet memories, the happiness of family and friends.... I hope you have all of them.  This week the Thanksgiving break comes to most school children and teachers and others who work at schools.  I hope most will remember what to be Thankful and Give back some of their bounty to those in need.

God is Great!  God is Good! Let us Thank Him!

Today's meditation is from F.B. Meyer:

November 22

"Now the God of patience and of comfort grant you to be of the same mind one with another according to Jesus Christ."-- Rom_15:5.

WE ALL need Patience and Comfort, especially in times of stress and difficulty. Patience under long-drawn-out trial; Comfort, when the heart is at breaking-point; and God is the source of each! 
The God of Patience! "I waited patiently for the Lord, and He inclined unto me, and heard my cry." 
The God of Comfort! "As one whom his mother comforteth, so will I comfort you." Let us hush all other voices of consolation, that we may listen to the still small voice of the Comforter, who proceeds from the Father and the Son.
But notice that He speaks through the patience and comfort of Holy Scripture. "Whatsoever things were written aforetime were written for our learning, that through patience and comfort of the Scriptures we might have hope." What the Bible has been to the martyrs, to the sufferers on the rack, and to the harried Covenanters of the Scottish moors; to the myriads of unknown souls who have been persecuted, to lonely exiles and bereaved hearts, can never be told.
If we were condemned to banishment, and could take only one Book of the Bible with us to Patmos, or to prison, we should find it extremely difficult which to choose. Some would select the Psalter, some the Fourth Gospel, some would probably decide on that wonderful anonymous writing, the Epistle to the Hebrews. And in each they would have matter enough to explore for a lifetime. 

Always His Spirit will be teaching and enabling us. Always His Shepherd rod and staff will lead us to living fountains of water. He is always realising more deeply in us the Divine ideal, and increasing our capacity for God.
Is not this comforting! The minister, to whom you owe your conversion, or who has helped your Christian growth, may die or be removed; the friend on whom you depended for help and guidance may have to leave you, but our Saviour will continue His care of us, His nurture of our growth. His unfailing intercession, when the sun has ceased to shine, and the universe is wrapped up as a worn-out garment. His ministry is unchangeable. 
The God of Patience and Comfort will never fail us!

Comforter of the comfortless, bind my soul with Thine in intercession! Wherever there are broken hearts, bind them: captives, release them. Bless especially my loved ones. Visit us with Thy salvation, and suit Thy gifts to our several needs. AMEN.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Monday Nov 21 2011

Thanksgiving week.  Time of migration as millions move to spend time with families and friends.  A time of great eating, spending time watching TV, and celebrating.  A week that marks the beginning of the Christmas spending season with "Black Friday".  
But do you really Thank God?  Do you Thank Jesus?  
Consider today's meditation from James Ryle:

November 21

The Journal of a Misspent Life
Jesus answered, "The light will be with you for only a little longer. Walk in the light while you can. Then you won't be caught walking blindly in the dark." (John 12:35, CEV).
As followers of Jesus we are a people who live not only in the past, but also in the future. However, this only works if we can incorporate both into our lives now and live purposefully in the present — by walking in the light while we can.
Yes, we look back to the beginning, when God created the heavens and the earth, and follow the story all the way to the Cross — when mankind was ransomed by the Son of God, who rose from the dead and ascended into heaven. 
And we look to the future when our King will return and abolish all injustice, all wrongdoing of any kind, and every form of evil. Righteousness will reign and peace will cover the earth.
But, our grand view of the past and our glorious vision for the future must define us as we live purposefully in the present. We must walk in the light — while we can.
Some live only and always in the past with a nostalgic affection for things as they were, but can never be again. Others wistfully long for that which is yet to come, so captivated with their preoccupation of the golden streets of glory they never actually even once walk the dusty streets of earth — you know, the highways and the byways where so many are wandering without a Savior.
What this world needs now more than anything is a light that shines in the darkness — someone whose faith, hope and love illuminate their sphere of influence. Someone who, because they look back and have an unshakable faith; and, because they look forward and have an unending hope; they now live purposely in the present with an unfailing love.
The simple and unalterable fact of the matter is that a thousand years from now in either direction is what it is — what matters most is right now. What will you do in this present moment of historic opportunities? Will you walk in the light while you can?
The bookends which frame in the library of our lives are magnificently epic, beautiful beyond belief. Wouldn't it be a shame if the only thing we placed on the bookshelf of history between these two bookends was the journal of a misspent life?
Let us mark well the words of Jesus, "The light will be with you for only a little longer. Walk in the light while you can. Then you won't be caught walking blindly in the dark." (John 12:35, CEV).

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Saturday Nov 19

Now, do it now.  
Ask Jesus to come and forgive you, heal you, renew you, and bless you.  Let Jesus become your Savior, guide, Redeemer, friend, your God!  Let Jesus give you the blessings you so crave, let Jesus be the center and circumference of your life.  Read, ingest, be filled with the Holy Spirit and live a life of Joy, Peace, and Love. 

Consider today's meditation by Bob Hoekstra:

November 19

The "Much More" Grace of God
For if by the one man's offense death reigned through the one, much more those who receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness will reign in life through the One, Jesus Christ.  (Rom_5:17)
The grace of God is here connected with the phrase "much more." What a grand description of His grace — the "much more" grace of God! God's grace is "much more" than forgiveness. It is "much more" than new birth. It is "much more" than we have yet understood. It is "much more" than we have ever yet experienced. Here, we see it is "much more" than sufficient to deal with the devastating effects of sin in the lives of the children of Adam.  
Due to sin, mankind begins their existence separated from the Lord. They are "dead in trespasses and sins" (Eph_2:1). Additionally, each person's individual experience can be decimated by the effects of sin. Selfishness, dishonesty, brutality, fear, disloyalty, deception, and the like can leave individuals in miserable bondage and paralyzing defeat. These devastations come from being under the rule of death: "For if by the one man's offense death reigned through the one." When Adam fell into sin and rebellion, the enemy of men's souls gained access to Adam and his seed. This cruel dictator rules over everyone who is related to Adam through natural birth (and not yet related to Jesus by new birth). Elsewhere, Jesus described the sole intention of our enemy's interest in us. "The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy" (Joh_10:10). 
The remedy of God for escaping the reign of death is two-fold: "those who receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness will reign in life through the One, Jesus Christ." First, the "gift of righteousness" provides an acceptable standing in heaven before a holy, righteous God. "But now the righteousness of God apart from the law is revealed . . . even the righteousness of God which is through faith in Jesus Christ to all and on all who believe" (Rom_3:21-22)
Second, "abundance of grace" provides the ongoing spiritual resources that are necessary for the development of a godly, victorious walk for the glory of God in the midst of humanity here on earth. Both of these wondrous provisions ("abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness") are ours because of the relationship we have by faith with Jesus Christ: "through the One, Jesus Christ."
Heavenly Father, I realize that Your grace is much more than I have yet understood or experienced. I also see that it is much more than sufficient to reverse the effects of sin that may have impacted my life. So, I humbly reach out to You to receive from Your abundance of grace, that I might walk more victoriously, through Christ, Amen.

May you be filled with the Love and Joy of Jesus and inspired by the Holy Spirit!  Live well, live in Jesus today.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Friday Nov 18 2011

Seems to me that we all struggle, thrash about, and worry about so many little things in life.  Of course to us they are not little things - money, work, children, friends, enemies, bosses, co workers, promotions, money, glory, fame, power, knowledge, money,  sex, love, money, hate, forgiveness, money, possessions, money, food, money, and did I mention money?
We grow, mature, move according to natures' calling, and do the things we feel we must.  We think we are making individual choices but nature drives us toward decisions and then we come to points where we can choose one over another, but we still must choose.

Consider today's mediations by Charles Spurgeon:

November 18

“A spring shut up, a fountain sealed.” - Son_4:12
In this metaphor, which has reference to the inner life of a believer, we have very plainly the idea of secrecy. It is a spring shut up: just as there were springs in the East, over which an edifice was built, so that none could reach them save those who knew the secret entrance; so is the heart of a believer when it is renewed by grace: there is a mysterious life within which no human skill can touch. It is a secret which no other man knoweth; nay, which the very man who is the possessor of it cannot tell to his neighbour. The text includes not only secrecy, but separation. It is not the common spring, of which every passer-by may drink, it is one kept and preserved from all others; it is a fountain bearing a particular mark-a king’s royal seal, so that all can perceive that it is not a common fountain, but a fountain owned by a proprietor, and placed specially by itself alone. 

So is it with the spiritual life. The chosen of God were separated in the eternal decree; they were separated by God in the day of redemption; and they are separated by the possession of a life which others have not; and it is impossible for them to feel at home with the world, or to delight in its pleasures. 
There is also the idea of sacredness. The spring shut up is preserved for the use of some special person: and such is the Christian’s heart. It is a spring kept for Jesus. Every Christian should feel that he has God’s seal upon him-and he should be able to say with Paul, “From henceforth let no man trouble me, for I bear in my body the marks of the Lord Jesus.” 
Another idea is prominent-it is that of security. Oh! how sure and safe is the inner life of the believer! If all the powers of earth and hell could combine against it, that immortal principle must still exist, for he who gave it pledged his life for its preservation. And who “is he that shall harm you,” when God is your protector?

“Thou art from everlasting.” - Psa_93:2
Christ is EVERLASTING. Of him we may sing with David, “Thy throne, O God, is for ever and ever.” Rejoice, believer, in Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, to-day, and for ever. Jesus always was. The Babe born in Bethlehem was united to the Word, which was in the beginning, by whom all things were made. 
The title by which Christ revealed himself to John in Patmos was, “Him which is, and which was, and which is to come.” If he were not God from everlasting, we could not so devoutly love him; we could not feel that he had any share in the eternal love which is the fountain of all covenant blessings; but since he was from all eternity with the Father, we trace the stream of divine love to himself equally with his Father and the blessed Spirit. As our Lord always was, so also he is for evermore. 
Jesus is not dead; “He ever liveth to make intercession for us.” Resort to him in all your times of need, for he is waiting to bless you still. Moreover, Jesus our Lord ever shall be. 
If God should spare your life to fulfil your full day of threescore years and ten, you will find that his cleansing fountain is still opened, and his precious blood has not lost its power; you shall find that the Priest who filled the healing fount with his own blood, lives to purge you from all iniquity. 
When only your last battle remains to be fought, you shall find that the hand of your conquering Captain has not grown feeble-the living Saviour shall cheer the dying saint. When you enter heaven you shall find him there bearing the dew of his youth; and through eternity the Lord Jesus shall still remain the perennial spring of joy, and life, and glory to his people. Living waters may you draw from this sacred well! 
Jesus always was, he always is, he always shall be. He is eternal in all his attributes, in all his offices, in all his might, and willingness to bless, comfort, guard, and crown his chosen people.

Choose Jesus today.  Your whole life brought you to this point of decision - choose Jesus!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Thursday Nov 17 2011

Thanksgiving is next week.  A time of reflection, gathering together to share and give thanks to God.  We have been blessed and we are full in so many things.  God is marvelous, loving, giving, and all everything.  Our God is truly an Awesome God.  
We are but an instant, an insignificant speck on an insignificant speck, orbiting an insignificant speck of a sun in an ordinary galaxy.  Yet God loves you and me and calls us to Him so He can bless us with His Love and Grace.  How wonderful is that?
Consider today's meditations:

November 17

“To whom be glory for ever. Amen” - Rom_11:36
“To whom be glory for ever.” This should be the single desire of the Christian. All other wishes must be subservient and tributary to this one. The Christian may wish for prosperity in his business, but only so far as it may help him to promote this-”To him be glory for ever.” He may desire to attain more gifts and more graces, but it should only be that “To him may be glory for ever.” You are not acting as you ought to do when you are moved by any other motive than a single eye to your Lord’s glory. 
As a Christian, you are “of God, and through God,” then live “to God.” Let nothing ever set your heart beating so mightily as love to him. Let this ambition fire your soul; be this the foundation of every enterprise upon which you enter, and this your sustaining motive whenever your zeal would grow chill; make God your only object. Depend upon it, where self begins sorrow begins; but if God be my supreme delight and only object,
“To me ‘tis equal whether love ordain
My life or death-appoint me ease or pain.”
Let your desire for God’s glory be a growing desire. You blessed him in your youth, do not be content with such praises as you gave him then. Has God prospered you in business? Give him more as he has given you more. Has God given you experience? Praise him by stronger faith than you exercised at first. Does your knowledge grow? Then sing more sweetly. Do you enjoy happier times than you once had? Have you been restored from sickness, and has your sorrow been turned into peace and joy? Then give him more music; put more coals and more sweet frankincense into the censer of your praise. Practically in your life give him honour, putting the “Amen” to this doxology to your great and gracious Lord, by your own individual service and increasing holiness.

“He that cleaveth wood shall be endangered thereby.”  Ecc_10:9
Oppressors may get their will of poor and needy men as easily as they can split logs of wood, but they had better mind, for it is a dangerous business, and a splinter from a tree has often killed the woodman. 
Jesus is persecuted in every injured saint, and he is mighty to avenge his beloved ones. Success in treading down the poor and needy is a thing to be trembled at: if there be no danger to persecutors here there will be great danger hereafter.
To cleave wood is a common every-day business, and yet it has its dangers; so then, reader, there are dangers connected with your calling and daily life which it will be well for you to be aware of. We refer not to hazards by flood and field, or by disease and sudden death, but to perils of a spiritual sort. Your occupation may be as humble as log splitting, and yet the devil can tempt you in it. You may be a domestic servant, a farm labourer, or a mechanic, and you may be greatly screened from temptations to the grosser vices, and yet some secret sin may do you damage. 
Those who dwell at home, and mingle not with the rough world, may yet be endangered by their very seclusion. Nowhere is he safe who thinks himself so. Pride may enter a poor man’s heart; avarice may reign in a cottager’s bosom; uncleanness may venture into the quietest home; and anger, and envy, and malice may insinuate themselves into the most rural abode. Even in speaking a few words to a servant we may sin; a little purchase at a shop may be the first link in a chain of temptations; the mere looking out of a window may be the beginning of evil. 
O Lord, how exposed we are! How shall we be secured! To keep ourselves is work too hard for us: only thou thyself art able to preserve us in such a world of evils. Spread thy wings over us, and we, like little chickens, will cower down beneath thee, and feel ourselves safe! Amen.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Wednesday Nov 16 2011

Moving closer to the holidays.  
Alone, without many connections.  Working and holding on.  
But, life is good because I have God, the Holy Spirit, and always the loving presence of my Savior Jesus.  We move on towards the final bell and work to do as much good as i can.

Consider today's meditation from F. B. Meyer:

November 16

"For the good that I would I do not: but the evil which I would not, that I do. Who shall deliver me...? I thank God through Jesus Christ our Lord."-- Rom_7:19-25.

THIS SEVENTH chapter of Romans reflects, as in a mirror, the inward conflict of the Christian soul, who has not yet learned to appropriate the full power of the Holy Spirit. It will be noticed that the personal pronoun "I" occurs frequently, while there is no word of the Holy Spirit who lusts or strives against the flesh. It is the endeavour of a man to keep pure and holy in the energy of his own resolutions, and by the putting forth of his own power and will. But as Satan cannot cast out Satan, so the will of man is unable to exorcise its own evil.
We turn, thankfully, therefore to the eighth chapter, which is as full of the power of the Holy Spirit to overcome evil, as the seventh is full of human endeavour. It is only when we learn to hand over our inner self to the Spirit of God that we can become more than conquerors through Him that loved us. As long as the conflict is in our own strength, there is nothing for it but to experience the up and down, fickle and faulty life, which the Apostle describes so graphically.
How is it that the soul of man is so full of evil, and that it is unable to deliver itself by its resolutions which lack the necessary dynamic force, we cannot tell. But we find this "law of sin and death warring in our members and bringing us into captivity." It is a wretched experience, indeed, when we find the current running so swiftly against us, and carrying us down in spite of our strenuous desire to stem and conquer it. Who has not, again and again, experienced failure after the most earnest desire to do right? The bitterness of our origin overcomes the better choice, of which in our noblest moments we are conscious.
It is a great comfort to know that the Spirit of God is prepared to renew our inward man day by day (2Co_4:16), and to make us free from the law of sin and death. 
It is the daily renewal that we need. Day by day, and hour by hour, it is necessary to seek by faith a fresh infusion of the power of the Holy Spirit, that we may be overcomers.

O God, may we live very near to Thee to-day, not in the energy of our own resolution, but by the anointing and indwelling of the Holy Spirit, who shall teach us to abide in Christ. If our wayward hearts tend to stray, recall us before we have gone too far. AMEN.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Tuesday Nov 15 2011

Half way.  We are already half through November.  Next week is Thanksgiving.  My how time flies.  
Seems to me that as I get older time does indeed speed up and life is moving along at such a fast rate.  I know it's just my perception.  But then reality is what you perceive it!

The reality of eternity is also very true.  Where will you spend eternity?  That is a most important question for each of us.  I humbly submit that you give it all to Jesus.  Then you will know where you will be for all eternity.  Forever in Heaven.  Now that's a promise you can really like, even love.  
But it won't be easy being a Christian.  Consider these words from Bob Hoekstra:

November 15

Contrasting Consequences of Accessing Grace through Faith

Women received their dead raised to life again. And others were tortured, not accepting deliverance, that they might obtain a better resurrection.  (Heb_11:35)
This verse serves as a transition from blessings that were enjoyed through trusting in the Lord to difficulties that were endured by depending upon the Lord. Herein, we see contrasting consequence of accessing grace through faith. The blessings we may somewhat expect. The difficulties may seem to us "unusual." 
Even the blessing of resurrected loved ones is not surprising to be found in the history of God's people, since we serve a God of resurrection power. 
Elijah understood this. Consequently, he did not balk when he knew that the Lord wanted him to be an instrument of resurrection. This miracle of God's grace would occur in the home of a widow who was supplying food for the prophet. "The son of the woman who owned the house became sick. And his sickness was so serious that there was no breath left in him" (1Ki_17:17). This faithful widow was distressed and perplexed. "So she said to Elijah, 'What have I to do with you, O man of God? Have you come to me to bring my sin to remembrance, and to kill my son?' " (1Ki_17:18). In most situations, prayer would have been appropriately offered for the strength and comfort of the remaining family. However, Elijah was led to cry out to the Lord for the boy. "O LORD my God, I pray, let this child's soul come back to him" (1Ki_17:21). The Lord confirmed that this was His will by raising the deceased son. "Then the LORD heard the voice of Elijah; and the soul of the child came back to him, and he revived" (1Ki_17:22). 
This miraculous blessing was brought forth by faith in God. Yet, faith in the Lord does not always result in such temporal blessings, as the contrasting conclusion to our verse documents. "And others were tortured, not accepting deliverance, that they might obtain a better resurrection." 
Living by faith is the general context of this chapter ("By faith . . . By faith . . . By faith" — Heb_11:3-5). It is also the immediate context of our verse ("who through faith" — Heb_11:33). These "others [who] were tortured" were also living by faith. Their faith in God would work for them an eternal blessing, to be enjoyed at the final resurrection of the righteous. 
We can embrace this same outlook. "For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us" (Rom_8:18). Meanwhile, we can be learning to live by resurrection power: "that I may know Him and the power of His resurrection" (Phi_3:10).

Lord God of resurrection, I cry out to You for the reviving of the dead or dying areas of my own life or circumstances. I also look to You for the sustaining strength I need in times of suffering. Teach me to live daily by the power of Your resurrection, Amen.

May God bless you today with His love and grace. 

Monday, November 14, 2011

Monday Nov 14 2011

How are you doing this morning?  
Tired? Worried? Depressed?  Or, are you filled with Joy and Happiness?  
We are humans, mortal beings who are here for just a short while.  We live between the extremes, we live without too much reason or thought, and we are barely above the animals in our strivings.  We seek to eat, reproduce, dominate, collect, and rarely share.  Not much different than most beasts of the field.
Then by the Grace of God, we may come to know God and be blessed to be chosen as His child.  We accept Jesus as our Savior and then become blessed with the Holy Spirit.  From that moment on, we rise above all God's creation, we become a Child of God, a Citizen of Heaven.  But, then reality bites us and we have to still live through each day.
But what a difference now.  With God's blessings and grace we now have all we need to live now and eternally!  
Consider today's meditations by James Ryle:

November 14

The Lord is My Shepherd
"The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want." (Psalm 23:1).
Jesus is Lord and King, Conqueror, Savior, the Mighty God, Prince of Peace, the Christ, Emmanuel, Teacher, Prophet and Master. Of the many titles given to the Lord, Shepherd must undoubtedly be one of His favorite. It links Him in the most personal way to those He loves.
Say it out loud and let the truth settle deep in your heart: "The Lord is my Shepherd."
Isaiah prophesied, "He shall feed his flock like a shepherd: he shall gather the lambs with his arm, and carry them in his bosom, and shall gently lead those that are with young." (Isaiah 40:11). 
Peter preached, "For ye were as sheep going astray; but are now returned unto the Shepherd and Bishop of your souls." (1 Pet 2:25).
David, himself a shepherd, penned the Twenty-third Psalm as a comprehensive tribute to the Lord. He encompasses in this short poem at least fifteen provisions that are made for us when we follow the Lord as our Shepherd.
1. Rest - He maketh me to lie down in green pastures
2. Peace - He leadeth me beside the still waters
3. Restoration - He restoreth my soul
4. Guidance - He leadeth me in paths of righteousness
5. Honor - for His name's sake
6. Hope - I walk through the valley of the shadow of death
7. Courage - I will fear no evil
8. Companionship - Thou art with me
9. Comfort - Thy rod and Thy staff comfort me
10. Sustenance - Thou preparest a table before me
11. Vindication - in the presence of my enemies
12. Blessing - Thou anointest my head with oil
13. Fulness - My cup runneth over
14. Abundant Life- goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life
15. Eternal Security - I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever
As you can see, there is nothing left out. No wonder David said, "I shall not want!" The Lord gives us everything we need when we follow Him as our Shepherd.
"And now may the God of peace, who brought again from the dead our Lord Jesus, equip you with all you need for doing his will. May he who became the great Shepherd of the sheep by an everlasting agreement between God and you, signed with his blood, produce in you through the power of Christ all that is pleasing to him. To him be glory forever and ever. Amen." (Hebrews 13:20,21).

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Sunday Nov 13 2011

Life, don't leave home without it!
The sweetest moments, the darkest days, the joyous events, the depressing circumstances, the hope filled dreams, the wistful wishes - life, what a journey.

What do you want out of life, what have you been trained and lead to expect?  How high are your hopes, what levels of expectations do you have?  Life is a smorgasbord of offerings.  But, consider today's thoughts from James Ryle:

November 13

The Lord is Our Judge, Our Lawgiver, and Our King
"For the LORD is our judge, the LORD is our lawgiver, the LORD is our king; he will save us." (Isaiah 33:22)
The human heart hungers for three things always
and Peace. 
Look to your own soul and you will know this to be true.

No one likes to be cheated, or threatened, or harmed in any way. We all want to know that our pursuit of life, liberty, and happiness is unmolested by scoundrels and thieves. We want to know that if there are those who interfere with our God-given rights to these things — there is somebody who will intervene and bring us justice, security, and peace.
We are so dedicated to these ideas that we formed our Government into three branches to insure that we would see these things come to pass in real and practical ways. Our Judicial Branch serves to bring us justice. Our Legislative Branch serves to gives us laws. And our Executive Branch serves to insure that we live in peace.
Yet, we are never to place our faith in MAN, but in God.

The Prophet Isaiah is reminding us where our focus must always be fixed — upon the Lord. For it is He who is our Judge, our Lawgiver, and our King. And it is He, and He alone, who will save us.
Therefore, our hope is not in the Government, nor in the elected officials who serve in the various branches of our Government. We pray for them, and trust that they will govern wisely, with humility and honor; but we are not naive. We know that power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.
Our faith is in the Lord, who alone is incorruptible. 

"The LORD bless thee, and keep thee: The LORD make his face shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee: The LORD lift up his countenance upon thee, and give thee peace." (Numbers 6:24-26).
The Lord bless and keep thee — that's our Judge at work. The Lord make His face shine upon you — that's our Lawgiver at work. The Lord lift up His countenance and give thee peace — that's our King at work.
It is He, and He alone, who will save us.

May you have a blessed and good day.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Saturday Nov 12 2011

Feeling out of sorts today.  Things just are fitting in anymore, so many loose ends, so many things not just right or even close to being right.   I know that I can't solve these tings myself.  I must give it all up to God and "let go and Let God!"  
Yet, I don't know what that really is... letting go, not worrying, not trying to solve things... what does that mean, not to work on the problem, not take actions, or are we to do things and trust in God to direct our actions?  
The other option is that all this is just chance and it really doesn't matter.  We are either the pawns of Fate and Destiny or we are in control of our lives by our decisions and actions.  And so the debate begins.  
I just want answers.  I want solutions.  I want a decent life.  I would like to know happiness and goodness again.  
Dear Lord God, Heavenly Father,
Take my life, take all that I am and make me what You will and do with me what you want.  
There, I give it up.  Heavenly Father, I am so lost and so down.  Help me Father and guide me, protect and bless my loved ones and give me the resources to help them.  
In Jesus's Holy Name, Amen.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Thursday Nov 10, 2011

So, here we are approaching another Veteran's Day, 11-11, but this year a special one 11-11-11.  
I am thankful that God gave me the chance to serve my country, to have all the education and experiences.  I am truly grateful to have had all the good things in life.  
God is gracious, God is Love and God is the Almighty God of Abraham, Issac, Jacob, Joseph, Moses, Joshua, Samuel, David, Solomon, Isaiah, Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Paul, Peter, and all the Saints.  
My God sent His Son Jesus to live the example, to fulfill God's promises to mankind, and to pay the ultimate price for mankind's sins.  Now all you have to do is ACCEPT, CONFESS, IN FILL AND LIVE the Christian life.  
Live it as you would live if Jesus was standing by you, live it as if Jesus was leading you, live it knowing that the purpose of all your actions was to reflect God's love for us.  

Consider today's thoughts from Charles Spurgeon:

November 10

“The eternal God is thy refuge.” - Deu_33:27
The word refuge may be translated “mansion,” or “abiding- place,” which gives the thought that God is our abode, our home. There is a fulness and sweetness in the metaphor, for dear to our hearts is our home, although it be the humblest cottage, or the scantiest garret; and dearer far is our blessed God, in whom we live, and move, and have our being. It is at home that we feel safe: we shut the world out and dwell in quiet security. So when we are with our God we “fear no evil.” He is our shelter and retreat, our abiding refuge. At home, we take our rest; it is there we find repose after the fatigue and toil of the day. And so our hearts find rest in God, when, wearied with life’s conflict, we turn to him, and our soul dwells at ease. At home, also, we let our hearts loose; we are not afraid of being misunderstood, nor of our words being misconstrued. So when we are with God we can commune freely with him, laying open all our hidden desires; for if the “secret of the Lord is with them that fear him,” the secrets of them that fear him ought to be, and must be, with their Lord. Home, too, is the place of our truest and purest happiness: and it is in God that our hearts find their deepest delight. We have joy in him which far surpasses all other joy. It is also for home that we work and labour. The thought of it gives strength to bear the daily burden, and quickens the fingers to perform the task; and in this sense we may also say that God is our home. Love to him strengthens us. We think of him in the person of his dear Son; and a glimpse of the suffering face of the Redeemer constrains us to labour in his cause. 
We feel that we must work, for we have brethren yet to be saved, and we have our Father’s heart to make glad by bringing home his wandering sons; we would fill with holy mirth the sacred family among whom we dwell. 
Happy are those who have thus the God of Jacob for their refuge!

“It is enough for the disciple that he be as his master.” Mat_10:25
No one will dispute this statement, for it would be unseemly for the servant to be exalted above his Master. 
When our Lord was on earth, what was the treatment he received? Were his claims acknowledged, his instructions followed, his perfections worshipped, by those whom he came to bless? No; “He was despised and rejected of men.” 
Outside the camp was his place: cross-bearing was his occupation. Did the world yield him solace and rest? “Foxes have holes, and the birds of the air have nests; but the Son of man hath not where to lay his head.” This inhospitable country afforded him no shelter: it cast him out and crucified him. 
Such-if you are a follower of Jesus, and maintain a consistent, Christ-like walk and conversation-you must expect to be the lot of that part of your spiritual life which, in its outward development, comes under the observation of men. They will treat it as they treated the Saviour-they will despise it. Dream not that worldlings will admire you, or that the more holy and the more Christ-like you are, the more peaceably people will act towards you. They prized not the polished gem, how should they value the jewel in the rough? “If they have called the Master of the house Beelzebub, how much more shall they call them of his household?” 
If we were more like Christ, we should be more hated by his enemies. It were a sad dishonour to a child of God to be the world’s favourite. It is a very ill omen to hear a wicked world clap its hands and shout “Well done” to the Christian man. He may begin to look to his character, and wonder whether he has not been doing wrong, when the unrighteous give him their approbation. 
Let us be true to our Master, and have no friendship with a blind and base world which scorns and rejects him. Far be it from us to seek a crown of honour where our Lord found a coronet of thorn.

Blessed are you if you can be more like our Lord!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Wednesday Nov 9 2011

Faith, Hope, Love and myriad other gifts are from God's Grace and Love toward us.  Without His benediction, His Grace and Love toward us, the darkness of life would be too great. We would have so little to live for, too many trials and challenges, too many hardships and heartaches.  Praise God that He protects us and gives us reasons to live and to keep His Word in our hearts.  

Consider these words from Charles Spurgeon:

November 9

“So walk ye in him.”  - Col_2:6
If we have received Christ himself in our inmost hearts, our new life will manifest its intimate acquaintance with him by a walk of faith in him. 
Walking implies action. Our religion is not to be confined to our closet; we must carry out into practical effect that which we believe. If a man walks in Christ, then he so acts as Christ would act; for Christ being in him, his hope, his love, his joy, his life, he is the reflex of the image of Jesus; and men say of that man, “He is like his Master; he lives like Jesus Christ.” 
Walking signifies progress. “So walk ye in him”; proceed from grace to grace, run forward until you reach the uttermost degree of knowledge that a man can attain concerning our Beloved. 
Walking implies continuance. There must be a perpetual abiding in Christ. How many Christians think that in the morning and evening they ought to come into the company of Jesus, and may then give their hearts to the world all the day: but this is poor living; we should always be with him, treading in his steps and doing his will. 
Walking also implies habit. When we speak of a man’s walk and conversation, we mean his habits, the constant tenor of his life. Now, if we sometimes enjoy Christ, and then forget him; sometimes call him ours, and anon lose our hold, that is not a habit; we do not walk in him. We must keep to him, cling to him, never let him go, but live and have our being in him. “As ye have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk ye in him”; persevere in the same way in which ye have begun, and, as at the first Christ Jesus was the trust of your faith, the source of your life, the principle of your action, and the joy of your spirit, so let him be the same till life’s end; the same when you walk through the valley of the shadow of death, and enter into the joy and the rest which remain for the people of God.

 O Holy Spirit, enable us to obey this heavenly precept.

“His place of defence shall be the munitions of rocks: bread shall be given him; his waters shall be sure.” - Isa_33:16

Do you doubt, O Christian, do you doubt as to whether God will fulfil his promise? Shall the munitions of rock be carried by storm? Shall the storehouses of heaven fail? 
Do you think that your heavenly Father, though he knoweth that you have need of food and raiment, will yet forget you? When not a sparrow falls to the ground without your Father, and the very hairs of your head are all numbered, will you mistrust and doubt him? 

Perhaps your affliction will continue upon you till you dare to trust your God, and then it shall end. Full many there be who have been tried and sore vexed till at last they have been driven in sheer desperation to exercise faith in God, and the moment of their faith has been the instant of their deliverance; they have seen whether God would keep his promise or not. 
Oh, I pray you, doubt him no longer! Please not Satan, and vex not yourself by indulging any more those hard thoughts of God. Think it not a light matter to doubt Jehovah. Remember, it is a sin; and not a little sin either, but in the highest degree criminal. The angels never doubted him, nor the devils either: we alone, out of all the beings that God has fashioned, dishonour him by unbelief, and tarnish his honour by mistrust. Shame upon us for this! Our God does not deserve to be so basely suspected; in our past life we have proved him to be true and faithful to his word, and with so many instances of his love and of his kindness as we have received, and are daily receiving, at his hands, it is base and inexcusable that we suffer a doubt to sojourn within our heart. 
May we henceforth wage constant war against doubts of our God-enemies to our peace and to his honour; and with an unstaggering faith believe that what he has promised he will also perform. 
“Lord, I believe, help thou mine unbelief.”