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Thursday, November 24, 2011

Nov 24 2011 Thanksgiving Day

Thank You my Heavenly Father for all your Love and Grace.
Thank you Lord for the gift of Your Son Jesus.  
Thank you for the gift of the Holy Spirit.  
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.  You are the All in All, and I am nothing without you.  
I thank you for my children, Kimberly, Hoya and Yoona.  Thank you for Ona and her strength.  Thank you for this life, this journey that you've given me to experience so that I may come to know you, to depend on you, to worship you daily, to follow your teachings and to become your child.  
Thank you for your grace that chose me and saved me through the blood of your son Jesus.  Thank you for the gift of the Holy Spirit to guide me, comfort me, to lead me back to you each time I wander.  
Almighty God of all, be with my children, give your grace to them, to love them and save them.  Choose them to become thy worthy servants, and lead them to full lives filled with Love, Joy and Peace.  

Thank you Father for all your Love and teachings.  


Today's meditation from F. B. Meyer:

November 24

"Now the God of Peace be with you all."-- Rom_15:33.
"Having made peace through the blood of His Cross."-- Col_1:20.

WE ALL need Peace! 
There are sources of Peace which are common to all men. The peace of a happy home; of an increasing business and enlarging influence; of the respect and love of our fellows. As a man is conscious of these, he is inclined to say with Job, "I shall die in my nest." We can all understand a peace like that; but there is a "peace that passeth understanding." It is too deep for words. It is like the pillowed depths of the ocean, which are undisturbed by the passing storm. Here is a sufferer, almost always in acute pain, and needing constant attention, and yet so happy. Joy and Peace, like guardian angels, sit by that bedside; and Hope, not blindfolded, touches all the strings of the lyre, and sheds sunshine,--how do you account for it? Let the sceptic and the scoffer answer! 
Here is a peace that passes understanding which comes from the God of Peace.
For the Christian soul there is a silver lining in every cloud; a blue patch in the darkest sky; a turn in the longest lane; a mountain view which shall compensate the steepest ascent. Wait on the Lord, and keep His way, and He shall exalt thee to inherit the land. The thing impossible shall be; because all things are possible to God.
The peace of God is the peace of the Divine Nature---the very tranquillity which prevails in the heart of the God of Peace. It was of this that Jesus spoke when He said, "My peace I give unto you"; for His own being was filled and blessed with it during His earthly career. "The Lord of Peace Himself give you peace always."

There are three things against which we must ever be on our guard lest they rob us of our peace. 
First, unconfessed sin; 
second, worry; 
third, the permission of an unrebuked selfish principle. The Apostle says, "Let the Peace of God rule in your hearts." The Greek word means arbitrate. Let God's Peace act as umpire.
We shall not escape life's discipline. 
We may expect to abound here, and to be abased there. But amid all, God's Peace, like a white-winged sentinel angel, shall come down to garrison our heart with its affections, and our mind with its thoughts.

I humbly ask, O God, that Thy Peace may be the garrison of my heart and mind; that it may ever rule within me, asserting itself over the tumultuous passions that arise within. And out of this Peace may I arise to serve Thee. AMEN.

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