Asian and American

Asian and American
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Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Wednesday Nov 30 2011

Last day of November 2011, December next and then a new year.  It has been 53 years now since I first arrived in this new land that eventually became my home, my country.

How are you doing in the grand quest of the "American Dream"?  I wish you well.

So, is wealth, money, power, fame, knowledge, acclaim, sex, affluence... what is your goal(s)?  Do you know?  Do you know why?  What do you want?  It's all up to you.

May I suggest Jesus as the Answer, the True Goal, the real Joy and Happiness.  Not perfect for everyone, but maybe for you.

Consider today's meditation by F. B. Meyer:

November 30

"Ye are come unto the City of the living God ... to God the Judge of all, and to the spirits of just men made perfect, and to Jesus the Mediator of the New Covenant."-- Heb_12:22-24.

WE ARE far from being perfect. 
When in our deepest moments, we ascend into the Holiest, on the wings of faith and prayer, we pass through a vast host of sympathetic spirits, all of whom are devoted to the same Lord and Master, and are joining in the same act of worship. Many of them have known and helped us in our earthly life, and they have been sent forth to minister to us, and to help us on our way. "Ye are come to the spirits of just men made perfect."

We are also come unto God, the Judge of all. When Moses stood before God on the Mount, he said: "I exceedingly fear and quake." But we may come with boldness to the footstool of the Eternal Throne, though our God is a consuming fire, for in Christ Jesus we stand accepted.
He is the Mediator of the New Covenant, and His Blood speaks better things than that of Abel. That blood cried against Cain. But the Blood of Jesus cries on our behalf; it has opened the way into the Holiest; has cleansed us from our sins; has ratified the New Covenant, and is the Pledge of our redemption.
Therefore, although we realise our sinfulness and imperfection, let us arise into the unseen, and join with the One Church of the Redeemed in heaven and on earth. We are come to it in the purpose of God, and by the all-sufficing work of Christ our Lord, but let us see to it that we come also in our spiritual realization, communion, and fellowship.
We are members of the Church Universal, citizens of the Heavenly City. Heirs of that precious Redemption, which has severed us from things that are seen, and made us part of that blessed throng that no man can number--"the general Assembly and Church of the First-born, which are written in heaven."
 Neither life, nor death, nor rite, nor church-order, can divide those who are for ever one with each other because they are one with Christ. 
Nothing but sin and obtuseness of soul can exclude us from living fellowship with saints of all communions and sects, denominations and ages.

Accept our thanks, O God, for this foretaste of the bliss of Paradise. To Thee we would pour forth our tribute of adoring love, and join with angels and the spirits of the Redeemed in worship. Unto Him that sitteth upon the Throne, and unto the Lamb, be blessing and honour, glory and dominion, for ever. AMEN.

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