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Friday, June 17, 2011

Friday June 17

Good morning, whoever you are, where ever you are.  In God we are brothers and sisters, in God we are all connected.  

It is a wonder to me why more people don't see the clear and simple logic of Christ, of being a Christian.  Of course, as you dig a bit into the Bible, and read God's Words, it is made clear.  

Vision, clarity, understanding, acceptance, and ultimately Salvation is not up to us on the receiving end, it is up to God on the giving end.  His Grace must be given to you through the Holy Spirit so that your eyes are opened, that you may begin the journey to Christ, Salvation, and the Christian life.  
I Praise God and Thank my God for the vision, for the Grace so that I might see, even vaguely, my Lord and Savior while I am on this earth.  

Have you accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as YOUR Savior?  If not, do so NOW.  Just open your mouth and heart, state that you are a sinner, that you need Jesus's blood and redemption to wash away your sins, that you need Jesus as your Savior... then the Holy Spirit will get it done!  You are Saved!  Now you begin a New Life, a babe in the Spirit.  
So, you must eat and breathe the Word of God.  I strongly recommend that you go to
and download all the resources.  It is a banquet, a huge buffet of God's Word.  There are many good commentaries and other resources as well.  
Then read the Bible so that you can grow.  Read the commentaries so that the saints can give you insight, the why's and how's!

Now for today's meditation from George Morrison:  (I've truncated today's thoughts but if you want the whole thing, then go the the Daily Devotions and read his whole message.)

Only One Thing Is Needful
The secret of the highest and purest success in life lies in the ability first to choose and then to make effort after those things which are of really greatest worth. 
Of course, together with this choice, there must be a ceasing to strive after things of no intrinsic or permanent value. This is what Jesus meant when He said, "Seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness." Now ability to choose rightly, and also to obtain, implies the possession of all the three qualities of Christ which I have just mentioned, namely, Light, Wisdom, and Power.

These we may obtain from Him; and before we can use them we must obtain them. By means of light we see things as they are; we discern their real nature, we can estimate their relative greatness or smallness. Only in the light, only, that is, in possession of the completest knowledge available, must we choose and select. This selection also implies skill, which is the true meaning of wisdom.

The truly wise man is the man who can both choose and use skillfully. Christ's wisdom is seen in His choices, in His decisions. The proof of His wisdom is seen in the results of these. Christ chooses, and He teaches us to choose those things which are of permanent value and which satisfy the highest parts of our nature. Our want of wisdom is seen in our frequent rejection of these things for objects which give only a very temporary satisfaction, and that only to the lower part of our nature.

But in addition to light or knowledge, in addition also to choice or decision, we need power. We need power to do what we know we ought to do and have chosen to do. Remember St. Paul's words, "The good that I would I do not: but the evil which I would not, that I do."

Light, wisdom, power are three conditions of freedom—of the freedom which, as a possibility, Christ has won for us. To obtain them we must possess Him. He is the One needful; they are the few things needful. 

Possession and use of these will prevent that worry which wears out life, that distraction which, in its endless seeking after things of comparatively little value, destroys even its own object. In its constant search after what it considers necessary as means of living it forgets life itself.

So, dear friend, dear brother, dear sister,
May God give you the Light, Knowledge, and Power to live a full, glorious life in service to our Lord and King, Jesus Christ, the Son of God and our Savior.  
Praise God for His Grace and Mercies!

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