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Friday, June 24, 2011

Friday June 24

Do you have inner peace, the deep peace with yourself and the world?  That means you have accepted many things of course.  The most important has to be accepting Jesus as your Redeemer, Savior, your Lord.  Today's meditation is on this point.

June 24

"Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ."-- Rom_5:1.
"Having made peace through the blood of His Cross."-- Col_1:20.

THE BASIS of redemption and peace was laid on Calvary, when our Lord died for the sins of the world. In Lev_17:11, we learn that "the life, or soul, of the flesh is in the blood' (R.V. marg.); from which we infer that the forth-flowing of the blood of Christ was the forth-pouring of His soul as a sacrifice for sin.
It may be asked: Granted that the blood of Christ represents His soul which was poured out for sinful men, how did this marvellous act of self-sacrifice constitute a basis for peace? The full answer to that question is impossible in our present limited knowledge. It is one of the secret things which belong to the Lord our God, hidden from us now, to be revealed when we are full-grown.
But never suppose that the shedding of Christ's blood was necessary to make God love us, to appease His wrath or wring from His unwilling hand an edict of redemption. "God was in Christ reconciling the world unto Himself.'" The Father does not love us because Jesus died, but He went to the Cross because of God's love for us who chose us to be joint-heirs with His Son.
But there is one condition to be fulfilled. The access into Peace is open only to those who believe. We are justified by faith; we have peace through believing. The Apostle says that "through our Lord Jesus Christ we have now received the Atonement" (Col_1:11). The redemption is accomplished; we have but to receive it. The atonement of peace is made, it is only for us to take it. "For as sin hath reigned unto death, even so might grace reign through righteousness, unto eternal life, by Jesus Christ our Lord." As we receive eternal life, and the Holy Spirit with open and thankful hearts, relying on the Divine assurance by faith, we enter into the great inheritance of Peace, and the gifts of God in Grace and Nature become our own.

O Most Merciful Lord, 
Grant to me, above all things that can be desired, to rest in Thee, and in Thee to have my heart at peace. 
Thou art the true peace of the heart, 
Thou its only rest; 
out of Thee all things are hard and restless. 
In this very peace that is in Thee, 
the one Eternal God, I will sleep and rest. AMEN.

I pray that you and I will be given this gift.  I know that with faith all things are possible.  God bless you with His Peace today!

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