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Thursday, September 15, 2011

Thursday Sep 15

So hard to hang on, isn't it?  You work hard, do your best, do the right things, be honest, have integrity and dedication... yet, things work against you and circumstances turn out poorly for you.  You get fired, you get accused, you get into many troubles and challenges because your life is in turmoil and troubles are like the stars.  

Consider today's meditation from James Ryle:

September 15

Five Lessons for Dreamers (Part 2)
"Now Joseph had a dream." (Genesis 37:5)

Looking back upon the story of Joseph the dreamer, and seeing how God exalted him in the land of Egypt and blessed him with favor and great success — a pattern emerges, providing us today with guidelines we may follow into our own place of blessing and honor.
Here are five lessons for Dreamers from the life of Joseph:
Lesson #2 — Make the best of bad situations (see Genesis 39:4,21). There's an old saying that goes, "You can't keep a good man down." This is especially true of a man or woman whose heart has been captured by a dream from God.
Once God has shown you what He is going to do in your life — nothing that happens can ever derail you from maintaining a single focus upon His unfailing faithfulness. As a result, you become an eternal optimist. Everything works together for good, for those who love God and are called according to His purpose.
Even when things seem not only contrary — but awful bad — a dreamer will make the best of the bad situation. Joseph did so first in Potiphar's house, and then again when he was falsely accused and sent to prison.
In both situations he prevailed, for he learned how to overcome what he was undergoing. The dream had him, and would not let go. In the same manner God will pull you through to the other side, if the dream in your heart was given to you by Him.
The best way to know for sure your dream is from God is seen in the second lesson we learn from Joseph — can you make the best out of any bad situation? Then God's hand is on you, and your headed to a place called Dreams Come True.

Hang on dear friend, and wait on God's blessings and guidance.  God will not abandon you.  Go to him!

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