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Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Wednesday Sep 22

Life is such a mystery.  The more you know the less you understand.  The more you think you understand the less you know!
So much of my life I've been looking for answers and shortcuts, secrets to this and that, the better way to do things.  All I've really learned is that I am not wise, I am not bright, and I can do very little except go through each day and just survive.  
All this would be hopeless, for that's what all the other animals do, were it not for the fact that God loved and loves me enough to have sent His Son to died for me, that God forgives me and redeems me through the Holy Blood sacrifice of my Lord Jesus Christ.  Then the icing on the cake, the ultimate gift, the gift of the Holy Spirit to inspire me, to breath into me life and joy, to guide me and lead me, to comfort me and to hide me in times of sorrow and loss in His Love and Grace.  
Only God makes life worth living, only God gives meaning to this baneful existence, only God can lift us out of our baseness and fills us with Holy and Loving Grace.  
Thank you Lord God, my creator, my redeemer, my Heavenly Father!  

Consider today's meditation by F.B. Meyer:

September 21

"Is anything too hard for the Lord?"--- Gen_18:14.
"Ye Lord God! behold, Thou hast made the heaven and the earth by Thy great power and stretched out arm, and there is nothing too hard for Thee."-- Jer_32:17.

THERE IS no doubt as to the identification of these three guests that suddenly appeared before the tent-door of Abraham. We are expressly told that "Jehovah appeared unto him." It was thus that our Lord anticipated His Incarnation. He came incognito, and "His delights were with the sons of men" (Pro_8:31). 
During His earthly life, He loved the homes of men, lodged with Peter and Zacchaeus, and in the dear home where Mary loved and Martha served. After His resurrection, He tarried with two of them in the village inn. So He will come to thy heart and mine. Though He is the High and lofty One, who inhabits Eternity, yet He will plead for admission to sup with us and we with Him (Rev_3:20). But He often comes disguised as a wayfaring man, hungry and athirst. Let us "run to meet Him," remembering Mat_25:40.

God is no man's debtor; He always pays for His lodging, hence His promise to Sarah! She laughed with incredulity, but is anything too hard for the Lord? That is one of God's unanswered questions. It has accosted the human conscience all down the ages.

 Let us look away from the difficulties imposed by nature, to Him who holds the oceans in the hollow of His Almighty hand. Then we can stand with Him on the mountainside, and plead for Sodom; then God Himself will draw us on to ask for more and yet more, till, when our faith gives out, He will do something far in advance of all that we asked or thought.

Now unto Him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us. Unto Him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus, throughout all ages, World without end. AMEN.

May our Loving and Gracious God do exceeding abundantly for you  above all that you ask, could want, or even think!  Go bless you!

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