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Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Tuesday Sep 27

How are you getting along in life?  Isn't it a wonderful journey.  So many passions, so many trials and challenges, so many opportunities to get to know and love God!
Are you happy, or at least satisfied with what you have and what you are?  You should be, because you are where you are by all the previous decisions you made earlier.

Consider today's thoughts by James Ryle:

September 27

On Assignment by Jesus
"I, Peter, am an apostle on assignment by Jesus, the Messiah" (1 Peter 1:1 The Message).
Delightful thing this is, to be on assignment by Jesus. The word means to appoint a particular person to a specific use. Os Guinness wrote, "Our passion is to know that we are fulfilling the purpose for which we are on earth. All other standards of success - wealth, power, position, knowledge, friendships - grow tiny and hollow if we do not satisfy this deeper longing."
Deep in every heart is the God-planted desire to live a life that makes a difference. Many spend their lives looking for that one things to which they can give their all. Somehow we human beings are never happier than when we are expressing the deepest gifts that are truly us. The truest way to fully express those gifts is by being on assignment by Jesus.
How wonderful it is to be able to say, "I am on assignment by Jesus." All my talents, gifts, abilities, experiences, discoveries, longings, dreams, thoughts, and labors are focused on doing His bidding at this time, in this place, for this reason.
May the grace of God so work in your life to bring you to the place of your assignment!

May God bless you in your work today!

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