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Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Tuesday Sep 13

Have you noticed the rhythm of the seasons and time, the events that come and go that mark our passage on earth?  From the annual journey of our earth around the sun with the seasons that it brings, the moon and it's beautiful phases, the month passing - each with it's own flavor to savor.  September - the bitter sweet month, passing from summer's fun and sunshine to the mellower times of harvest and celebrations.  Yeah, so many poems, analogies, and such.  
For me, as I move from the autumn to the winter of my life, as the snow has fallen on my head and the years get fewer and shorter... I have to think that my journey has be wonderful and God blessed.  

Today's meditation by James Ryle addresses one of the more difficult things in our lives... the hard and difficult times we all go through sooner or later:

September 13

Tested By the Word of the Lord
"He sent a man before them — Joseph— who was sold as a slave. They hurt his feet with fetters; he was laid in irons. Until the time that his word came to pass, the word of the LORD tested him." (Psalm 105:17-19)
Joseph waited years before his dreams came true. The waiting was not in vain. God used the time to refine Joseph as gold in a furnace. Joseph's dreams were from God, but his childish pride was not. The harsh years were not for the sake of proving the dreams true, but for proving Joseph to be true.
The Lord's refining process does the same in our lives today. Many receive dreams and visions from God, but conduct themselves with immaturity. Like Joseph, they must go through seasons of refinement.
Joseph held to the vision God gave him for his life. It kept him through everything he experienced. He was restrained from sin, redeemed from sorrow and restored to honor by holding on to the dreams from God.
It may be, my fellow traveler, that you are undergoing a test from the Lord, which is applied in love to insure that when your dream comes true — you will be true as well.

May God bless you and refine you so you are worthy of His calling and ready to receive His Loving task. 

Praise God from whom all blessings flow!

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