Asian and American

Asian and American
Japanese Stella near Jefferson and FDR Memorials

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Thursday Sep 22

Since this is mostly a statement of Faith to my self I can safely state that my life really sucks at the moment.  Not as bad as Job had it, perhaps not as bad as any Saint had it, but really Dear God, my life is at a nadir and I pray that You will show loving kindness, forgiveness through the Blood Redemption of Your Son Jesus, Grace and Love through the Holy Spirit.  I am now over 60, my life is mostly complete, I am in the winter of my life and I come to You in fear and hope.  

Dear God I ask for your Blessings.  All that is IS YOURS.  All the universe.  I ask for your blessings in shallowness and selfishness... 

I ask for thy Salvation and Blessings on my children: Mia, Hoya, Yoona.  Guide them, protect them, bless them with Your Love and Grace. I know I have not been the best dad or example.  I am struggling to find my path, only through Your Grace am I even sane.  But Dear God, bless my children, bless the orphans, the poor, and become relevant to those who have and can help.

Dear God, bless me with Your Grace and understanding.  Let me be strong for you, be your servant and living example of Your Love.  Dear God, please guide me and fill me with the Holy Spirit, send Him to me and fill me with Your Love and Grace.  "Restore unto me the Joy of Your Salvation!"

Almighty God, I yield my life, my all to You.  I can't even lean on my understandings for I have none.  I trust in You my God and Redeemer... This I pray in Jesus's Holy Name, Amen.  

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